Member Mail 4 / 2021

  • May 1, 2021: "It's time for social change!"
  • Collecting cash comes with responsibility!
  • Broad alliance demands: "Back in the air"

Dear Colleagues

The Covid-19 pandemic is shaking up the world and the job market. The crisis of the century will leave social and economic scars. Hundreds of thousands have been and are still affected by layoffs or fear for their jobs. In aviation, too, part of the income has been missing for months.

In these difficult times, we call out our message for Labour Day to our companies, to this world with its many victims. It's more than a sign of hope:

May 1, 2021: "It’s time for social change!"

We are slowly approaching the end of the tunnel. Large parts of the workforce associate this spring with the hope that things will improve and that a social turnaround is possible – after a year full of fear, insecurity and renunciation.

While the rich are still swimming in their wealth and making profits from their shares, those with low and normal incomes have suffered heavily.

This spring also brings hopes that things will look up and that a social turnaround is possible. Patterns believed to be set in stone were turned upside down by the crisis. This crisis awakens the spirit of social movements; it gives rise to the demand to finally upgrade poorly and moderately paid professions and to introduce new social guarantees.

This is the time to fight the unjust distribution of income. The employees must not bear the costs of the pandemic. We can only find our way out of the crisis with prospects and financial security for everyone.

The crisis shall not lead to more inequality. On the contrary: We can only get out of the crisis together and in solidarity, and things must improve for everyone.

Solidarity is becoming more important than ever and with it the struggle for change after decades of neoliberal domination. An upswing is needed – with full employment, better wages and more social provision for old age. It's time for social change!

Collecting cash comes with responsibility!

Swiss has received an unprecedented aid package from the Swiss government: federal guarantees, garnished with unemployment benefits – several billions to support the company! SEV-GATA and its allies have contributed to this deal. The receipt of monthly wages comes with the obligation to work, which also applies to companies: Swiss is also advised to forego any structural adjustments that go beyond natural fluctuation because receiving cash support from the public sector is tied to certain obligations: a "freezing" of current structures, perseverance, social responsibility and being "ready for the ramp-up". We are advocating for a further extension of unemployment benefits and we have also lent a hand in favour of a "Crisis CLA" to a reasonable degree. Now is the time for the company to provide evidence of action, to prove itself worthy and to take responsibility – for employees, the long-term future of the company and our economy. We live in solidarity and demand it from our social partners on May 1!

Broad alliance demands: "Back in the air"

We have undertaken various interventions with Parliament and the Federal Council over the past few months – with remarkable success. An alliance of trade unions, employers, their umbrella organisations, professional, business, tourism associations, etc. has presented demands to the Federal Council and the public with the following slogan: Back to freedom of travel – back in the air!

Risk-based approach

No travel restrictions between countries with a similar risk of infection. Safety should be achieved through broad vaccination, testing and tracing strategies.

Vaccinating and testing

Anyone who has proof of being vaccinated, recovered or who tested negative for Covid-19 should be able to enter and leave Switzerland freely and move around the country with no restrictions. An antigen test is sufficient to prove that there is no Covid-19 infection.

Digital proof

Proof of vaccination, recovery or a negative test must be standardized and digital.

We believe in the future, in your future! Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. SEV-GATA is there for you: in times of crisis and always!

SEV-GATA, a membership that pays off – individually, collectively, globally. Thank you for your trust.

Warmest regards,

Philipp Hadorn, President

SEV-GATA, your union in the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation
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