Member Mail 3 / 2020

Dear Colleagues

The aviation industry is facing many unanswered questions. For once, the pressure on the industry is not due to discussions about climate change, but rather because of a still unknown virus.

Coronavirus: Implications for Aviation
One side of the problem are the health effects of the coronavirus, which are discussed widely in the media. The employer’s duty to care for his employees is equally vast. Employers seem to try their best to protect their staff from infection. But as our members all work in the aviation industry, we are also deeply concerned about their job security. The cancellation of flights has severe consequences not only for airlines like Swiss but also for other related companies. SEV-GATA demands that no structural changes leading to a reduction in staff be implemented as a result of the situation. The current development does not justify such interventions in aviation companies. Possible consequences of short-term overcapacities must be absorbed by social security institutions. In cooperation with the trade unions, employees must be protected from negative consequences.

Swiss CLA: Development
Concerning the development of the Swiss CLA, we have received insightful feedback from our members. We are currently sorting our material and will soon decide whether improvements in the CLA are likely. However, signs of unexpected changes in the economic environment have not been confirmed yet.

Swissport Geneva: CLA Negotiations
A motivated delegation led by our union secretaries Patricia Alcaraz and Pablo Guarino (new) is fighting for the improvement of the CLA. The company’s economic situation is further aggravating the slow negotiations.

Swiss: Crew Control Staff Evaluation
The unions have successfully demanded a new evaluation of positions, which is now being audited and implemented for the first time. This is concerning the adapted specifications of Crew Control employees.

SEV-GATA: On Site in Zurich
On 19 March 2020, members of the committee and union secretaries will be on site at Zurich airport. They will be available to discuss concerns and other matters at the midfield Swissport break room. Our free hot dogs will also provide a great opportunity to convince those who are not yet members of SEV-GATA of the advantages of becoming a member.

Happy Birthday: Anniversary SEV-GATA General Meeting
This year marks GATA’s 20 anniversary. Please take note of the date of our anniversary general meeting:

Thursday, 25 June 2020, 5 pm: Lindt Home of Chocolate, Kilchberg ZH


As always, SEV and SEV-GATA are running attractive recruitment campaigns to gain new members. Further information:

SEV-GATA is the place where you can co-determine our collective demands. We are competent and passionate about defending your individual interests with your employer. Together we are successful!

Kind regards,

Philipp Hadorn, President

SEV-GATA, your union in the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation / /