Member Mail 6 / 2019

  • Anniversary: 100 Years SEV
  • Swissport Geneva: CLA Negotiations
  • Swiss: CLA Adjustments

Dear Colleagues

We are not only reminiscing about the last 12 months, but also about the 100 years in which SEV has existed. The improvements of working conditions our colleagues have already achieved a hundred years ago still shape the core message of our demands today: We ask to be integrated in the process of renewing job descriptions, shaping work hours and planning. We demand social security, holidays, and safety at work. When compared to other sectors, aviation has had a successful year. Our social partnerships are of high quality. But there are always exceptions to the rule …

Swissport Geneva: CLA Negotiations
Working conditions at Geneva airport are deteriorating further. This time, Swissport Geneva is threatening both their temporary and permanent employees by attacking their wages. The last round of negotiations held on 2 December 2019 ended with a major coup: The managers of Swissport walked out of the room, leaving the union delegates behind. They don’t seem to care about the fact that the current CLA will expire on 31 December 2019.

The negotiations started on 28 June 2019. The union delegates presented an extensive list of demands, including a re-evaluation of wages, improvements for part-time employees and their families, as well as a positive development concerning working hours.

Five months later, the negotiations came to a halt. The directors reject our demands, especially the re-evaluation of wages.

Because of an increased workload and numerous additional tasks, employees are under increasing pressure and their working conditions deteriorate. We expected wage increases due to the increasing cost of health insurance and rent, but also because of Swissport International’s positive figures (see Swissport press release from 5 September 2019).

When the negotiation blockage became apparent, the union representatives suggested going to the canton’s conciliation committee for collective employment relations (CRCT) together with Swissport’s management. They also recommended extending the CLA’s validity by three months to gain time for negotiations. Their final suggestion was even to hold a joint General Meeting, where all parties could explain their point of view to the employees.

The managers remained stubborn. They want to prolong the CLA’s validity by three years with just a few small adjustments.

Because of this situation, the general meeting mandated the union delegates to contact CRCT. We hope this will help solve the blockage caused by the management’s stubbornness.

Swiss: CLA Adjustments
Our CLA with Swiss can be terminated for the first time in mid-2020 by the end of 2020. In February, we will start discussion whether we want to open “Pandora’s box” and call for extensive CLA negotiations or keep the status quo and its current standard. Our representatives would like to hear your thoughts. At the end of January 2020, we will evaluate your feedback.

Various challenges await us in 2020. We don’t know how the current discussions about climate change will affect the aviation industry. SEV-GATA will continue to fight with you and for you to ensure quality working conditions. By the way, GATA will celebrate its 20th anniversary next year. Information on our anniversary General Meeting will follow in the first quarter of 2020.

Thank you very much for your trust and your solidarity with all employees in the transport sector – no matter whether that’s air, water, railway or road traffic. Your support helps us to keep on fighting with fairness and consistency.

I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Best wishes,

Philipp Hadorn, President

SEV-GATA, your union in the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation
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