Member Mail 5 / 2018

Looking back on the 2018 General Meeting
Swissport ZRH – Negotiations started

Dear colleagues

Looking back on the 2018 General Meeting

«Historical» was the word our vice-president Dominik Fischer used to describe this year’s SEV-GATA General Meeting. The integration of PUSH last year marks another milestone in our successful history. Let’s take a look back: In 2001, GATA was on the lookout for a cooperation with SEV. Three years later, GATA joined SEV, accepted the union as its new «umbrella», and has now successfully integrated all PUSH-members. This General Meeting provided the first opportunity to welcome those former PUSH-members as our colleagues in SEV-GATA.


For the remainder of the current term of office (2017-2020), Thomas Blum and Andreas Marti, who were both former members of the PUSH executive committee, have been elected for our own executive. Congratulations! They will join our current executive members Philipp Hadorn (president), Dominik Fischer (vice-president), Andreas Breker and Bert Charles Füller.

A special word of gratitude was due for our former PUSH-colleagues Werner Köppel (former president of PUSH) and Henri-Pierre Mullner (member of the PUSH executive with responsibility for the French-speaking part of Switzerland), who – with their long-term commitment – have brought PUSH to its successful integration.

Annual report 2017

In 2017, our strong connections to other national and international unions proved the importance of solidarity between unions on the international market.

The positive result of the CLA-negotiations with Swiss has brought a number of significant improvements for employees (Member Mail 7/2017).

The integration of former PUSH-members had many interesting implications and our efforts to canvass new members, which serve as a basis for successful CLA-negotiations, bore fruit.

Outlook on 2018

Union secretary Regula Pauli explained the setup of the CLA-negotiations with Swissport Zurich.

Within the taskforce for Job Level Concept, which is an open issue in the Swiss-CLA, the interests of our members are represented by Michael Buletti.


Zurich Airport AG has been a kind host for our 2018 GM, which we wanted to hold «close to the field». Joana Filippi, Head Public Affairs, presented the interests of the airport and gave competent answers to all our critical questions. Afterwards, the «Apéro riche» provided a great opportunity for interesting discussions between members. A very successful GM!

Swissport ZRH – CLA-negotiations started

An inaugural meeting on 7 May has marked the starting point of CLA-negotiations with Swissport Zurich. The aim of arranging a binding timetable is to have a contract ready to sign by the end of the year. More detailed information can be found here (Info zu GAV Verhandlungen Swissport Station Zürich).

On 10 June 2018, those entitled to vote will have a say in the future of our country. The Swiss Federation of Trade Unions recommends voting NO on the «Vollgeld-Initiative» (initiative on the generation of «full» money) and YES on the «Geldspielgesetz» (law on lotteries and gambling). (SGB Website

Dear colleagues, being active in a union requires strength and energy. Obstacles will always come your way. But our collective and individual successes are worth the hassle! Thank you for being part of this movement. Are your colleagues, too? A membership has multifold benefits!

Best wishes,

Philipp Hadorn, President

SEV-GATA, your union in the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation