Member Mail 4 / 2018

SEV-GATA General Meeting on 17 May 2018: Reminder – Register now!
Swiss pays salaries in retrospect – A new wage system is being negotiated!
Swissport ZRH – Preparations for the CLA negotiations in progress
1 May – Equal pay!

Dear colleagues

As always, your union SEV-GATA has plenty of work to do this year. Important collective negotiations obviously require many resources. Further, there are also many individual cases of legal protection which helped our members claim their rights.

SEV-GATA General Meeting on 17 May 2018: Reminder – Register now!

Don’t forget: Our General Meeting, in which many interesting topics will be discussed, takes place on 17 May 2018, 5:30 pm at Zurich Airport.

You have received an invitation in the mail, as well as a first reminder via e-mail on 12 April. Now it’s time to send us your registration via e-mail to . The final registration deadline is on 30 April 2018.

New members can download the invitation after having sent us their declaration of membership and still register within the given deadline.

Swiss pays salaries in retrospect and a new wage system is being negotiated!

A general wage measure for all wages below CHF 5‘000 per month has been negotiated as of 1 January 2018.

A member drew our attention to the following fact: A group of roughly eight members received a pay raise in autumn of 2017. However, Swiss did not grant them the raise of CHF 70.- per month, even though their salaries were still below CHF 5‘000.- After our intervention, Swiss has now agreed: There will be retroactive payments as of 1 January 2018. It does pay off to have your union fight for your interests!

The task force responsible for the development of the new wage system according to the statement of intent for the CLA 2018 has started operating. Their task is clear: “The parties pledge to propose – by the end of 2018 – a wage system with clearly regulated and transparent criteria for wage development (such as experience, qualifications, performance, age), also within wage bands and, if applicable, with exceptional criteria.“ We will keep you updated. Further information to follow.

Swissport ZRH – Preparations for CLA negotiations in progress

Visits at the workplace and our “hot-dog-event“ have led to interesting encounters with our members and discussions about the upcoming CLA negotiations. Meanwhile, the schedule for the negotiations has been set up. Further information to follow.

1 May – Equal pay!

«Equal pay. Period.» is the motto of this year’s Labour Day activities. You can find more detailed information concerning regional activities in regional newspapers or in publications from trade union confederations.

But first things first: Register now for the General Meeting on 17 May 2018. We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Best wishes,

Philipp Hadorn, President

SEV-GATA, your union in the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation