Extraordinary Member Mail Swiss

General Elections for the Staff Commission (Peko) – Nomination

Dear Colleagues

The ground personnel’s Staff Commission (Peko) plays an important role when it comes to the representation of staff interests vis-à-vis Swiss. The CLA and the Peko regulations define its specific duties. The time required to fulfil Peko duties counts as working hours (as stated in a particular regulation).

Swiss has just sent a nomination e-mail for the general elections (term of office 2019-2023), for submission to an electoral committee. 

What is new is that there will be one additional Peko seat: Thus, the future Peko will consist of seven people, distributed to four election districts (as stated in the announcement). The two office-holding representatives of SEV-GATA, Michael Rangott and Rolf Stamm, have already agreed to run for office again.

SEV-GATA is entitled to nominate and recommend further candidates. Interested members must send their declaration of interest (follow the link in the announcement) by mail or in an originally signed and scanned version to by Wed, 31 October 2018. This way, we can guarantee that your union’s recommendations are submitted on time. If you are a member of SEV-GATA, you do not need to collect further signatures from your colleagues.

We are looking forward to hearing from you. Your dedication matters and we will continue supporting you after your election. We wish all of our candidates the best of luck!

SEV-GATA stays on top of things: with you and for you!

Best wishes

Philipp Hadorn, President

SEV-GATA, your union in the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation
/ www.sev-gata.ch / www.sev-online.ch