Member Mail 11 / 2015

Swiss Pay Agreement 2016 
Shop Stewards    
Adjustments of Shift- and Working Hours     

Dear Colleagues      

The airline industry has not been saved from fierce turbulences. Swiss got away with it quite well whereas Lufthansa group was marked by violent confusion. While austerity measures have been pushed through within the whole group, CEO Carsten Spohr was granted a 14 percent pay rise. It’s annoying that at the same time with steep cuts along with enormous uncertainties among the employees top salaries are increased to even top the million mark.   

Swiss Pay Agreement 2016  
Already this summer we reached a wage agreement with Swiss effective 1st January 2016. A pay rise of minimum CHF 50,-/month payable with the January wages except for employees with a performance evaluation of below 3 and/or with salary status. For all employees wages will be increased by 1,5 %, individual maximum salaries, however, mustn’t go beyond 5 percent (details ). 

Shop Stewards     
The representatives of SEV-GATA are expected to serve as a link between union members and union management. Following five persons are available as contact persons at Swiss: 

Matthias Claus
Tel. +41 76 634 10 52, E-Mail  
Sandra Häfeli
Tel. +41 79 541 07 04 / +41 44 564 25 67, E-Mail  
Jeffrey Kast
Tel. +41 79 419 99 25, E-Mail  
Markus Mitteldorf
Tel. +41 79 264 96 25 / +41 79 312 09 45, E-Mail  
Paolo Tuzzi
Tel. +41 79 539 64 74, E-Mail  

Please don’t hesitate contacting the above mentioned colleagues if you have any questions.

Adjustments of Shift- and Working Hours    
For many months we’ve been in close contact with the staff concerned and Swiss regarding the implementation of the collective labour agreement. The final CLA agreement, point 4 regarding productivity, clearly settles that it should be performed in a team under the participation of Swiss and the unions on equal terms in agreement with the staff members.

In some departments this procedure is already in progress and leading to results. If Swiss had ordered implementation measures one-sidedly contrary to the agreement, the company would have acted unlawfully and should be held liable. However, we depend on you giving us the relative information and documentation on the facts enabling us to intervene if necessary.

Swiss’ survey about employee satisfaction showed better ratings as far as ground staff is concerned. Taking a closer look into the details we’ll probably see differences in the individual jobs, activities and departments. The participation of ground staff was above average. You’ll be informed about the results as soon as possible. 

The political circumstances in the national Parliament have changed with the autumn 2015 elections. As a unionist and member of the National Council I’ll continue fighting for a good infrastructure, improved social protection of employees and for safeguarding the affected pension scheme. On the website of Swiss Union Association SGB you can find further information on the unions’ socio-political commitment, going far beyond transport policy. 

Next year we need a strong union particularly to prevent the threatening cutback of social achievements and to be able to stand up to the pressure on Switzerland as a workplace. We can only succeed if we meet these challenges resolutely and solidly united. Therefore we still need to put on a spurt for new members… 

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!     

Best regards

Philipp Hadorn, president

SEV-GATA, Your union of the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, president GATA: SEV-Aviation
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