Member Mail 1 / 2015

SNB Decision 
National Demo on March 7, 2015
Carrier Model and its Tricks
″Shift“ Scheme
Early retirement   
Line-Maintenance Basle
GATA GM 2015

Dear colleagues        

The year 2015 started dynamically. Annual sales prospects seemed to be ok. Only the implementation of the ‟mass immigration initiative‟ of February 9, 2014 gave economy, trade unions, policy and society quite a headache. On January 15, 2015, however, Swiss National Bank (SNB) caused quite a stir: The minimum exchange rate of the Swiss Franc to the Euro was withdrawn.

SNB Decision 

While regular cross boarder commuters rejoice over their unexpected spending power and holidays abroad suddenly become affordable, many branches of industry in Switzerland are suffering enormously. Swiss Union Association (SGB), of which the SEV is a decisive member, has been successfully fighting for an adjusted lower limit of the Swiss Franc value over several years. The economic success of many enterprises together with the corresponding job certainty of their staff proved that we were right.

SNB-president Thomas Jordan justified the decision of the SNB in the finance commission of the Federal Council. This week we will discuss with three Members of the National Council what measures should be taken to cushion the still unpredictable negative consequences. The unions categorically reject the proceeding of companies passing disadvantages on to regular cross boarder commuters, shifting currency risks to their employees, relocating jobs abroad or even cutting wages.    

National Demo on March 7, 2015

Overshadowed by the volatile strength of the Franc the SGB unions are organizing a national demo to take place on the Bundesplatz on March 7, 2015 at 13.30 o’clock. The motto is “For equal wages, subito! “ Adding: ″We’re up in arms! “ th  e SGB women focus our attention on . If you are interested please register and email to by March 1, 2015 latest. The fare will be reimbursed to all registered participants.       

Carrier Model and its Tricks

Apparently Swiss has problems introducing the carrier model. Delays, questions about how it should be implemented, have made it necessary that we rediscuss the issue with Swiss. Please let us know your clearly defined requests, any weak spots and questions by mid March. All these problems will be dealt with in our discussions.

Shift Scheme

Currently there is a problem somewhere in our negotiations about implementing the final agreement of the CLA. Despite promises to the contrary we, as their social partners, are not kept informed of the current status of the clarifications. Of course, SEV-GATA will be ready for bargaining and discussions, as long as the targeted solution complies with the CLA-negotiations and as long as it’s acceptable to the staff. The delay in amending the shift scheme is clearly caused by Swiss. We have no need for action whatsoever, so we’ll stick with it.

Early Retirement

For questions concerning early retirement HR and Pension Fund are always at your disposal. Should you have specific problems, please do not hesitate to contact our specialists, who will gladly advise our members. In this case please refer to our website and apply for legal protection at work.

Line-Maintenance Basel

With the social plan ″plus“ and the probationary period provided when moving to Zurich the employees concerned are offered real options, after all. We are always available to advise our members in any questions they may have.

GATA GM  2015

Please note: On June 30, 2015 the SEV-GATA General Meeting will take place. Further info will follow.   

Particularly in times of constant changes it’s most important that all staff is unionized. Only then we’ll be able to prevent that in economic turbulences employees’ rights are undermined. Thank you for looking for new members among your colleagues trying to win support for SEV-GATA.

With best regards 

Philipp Hadorn, president  
SEV-GATA, your union oft he aviation industry 
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