Membermail 19 / 2014

Swiss: Team Shift Models / New Shop Stewardess / Licence Fees
Calendar Promotion          
ata: Exchange of Views       
November 2014 Voting     

Dear Colleagues    

While Swiss is regularly publishing positive media reports on product innovations- and quality, all staff categories have experienced pressure or even the cancellation of their collective labour agreements over the last 18 months. In fact a trade union feels compelled to take legal action  against Swiss. Furthermore we still have to solve pending problems from the CLA concluded for ground staff.        

Team shift models  
Being a union based on grass-roots democracy all those affected were asked to select delegates of their shifts to help negotiating the adjusted shift models (to implement CLA 2014) and to report them to us. Much to our regret not all of the groups concerned made use of our offer. On the one hand the delegates are responsible for explaining the attitude of those concerned to the group of negotiators (those selected being part of the SEV-GATA delegation), and on the other hand they have the opportunity of openly informing their colleagues about the latest news on bargaining with Swiss. First meetings have taken place, further meetings will follow.

New Shop Stewardess       
The union movement is characterized by the flow of information between its members in the different companies and divisions and the union leaders, shop stewards being an important link. On our 25 October 2014 meeting the SEV-GATA committee unanimously voted for a new shop stewardess:
Sandra Häfeli (TCPP, Unterdorf). 
We wish Sandra success and satisfaction in fulfilling her function as an important joint for union duties. With Paolo Tuzzi and Matthias Claus also being shop stewards and the committee members, Andreas Breker, Dominik Fischer and Bert Füller, SEV-GATA members can easily find contact persons in the union. It goes without saying that SEV-GATA and SEV with regional offices and the headoffice are always available to its members with a wide range of services.

Licence Fees  
Swiss’ passing over the fees for the renewal of the AML licence registration to those affected is narrow-minded and problematic. Swiss is still refusing to comment on its decision. Before checking to take legal action SEV-GATA has sent a letter to CEO Harry Hohmeister and Reto Schmid, head of HR, on October 2, 2014 (see our website, letter available for download). So far we have not even received the confirmation of its receipt. Further info to follow...        

Calendar Promotion      
This year, too, the popular SEV-GATA calendars will be distributed again. Activists of the SEV-GATA committee, SEV and our membership will be present from ca. 7.00 h to 8.30 h:

Zurich Obstgarten:     Monday, 17 November 2014
Basle:                       Monday, 8 December 2014
Zurich Unterdorf:       Thursday, 18 December 2014

We still urgently need further helpers for distributing the calendars. Please get in touch with me as soon as possible ()! 

Regarding Geneva we will be pleased to send a parcel with the calendars to a person ensuring that they are duly distributed. Please respond quickly.

Looking forward to exciting discussions with our members and further interested persons!

Once again we took note of the precarious working conditions at Dnata. A first discussion how to raise these to an up-to-date level could already be held with a group of persons. As soon as a certain number of members is known, to give us a definite mandate, SEV-GATA will be ready to take up talks with the management clarifying and improving the conditions together with those concerned.

30 November 2014 Voting:   
SEV-GTA recommends:    
YES to abolish unjust taxation across the board          
NO  to racist Ecopop-initiative    
NO  to absurd gold initiative 
Further information on the different initiatives are available on the website of the Swiss Union Association SGB ( or    

Much to our regret we couldn’t find anyone of our membership who would nominate for the replacement elections of the staff commission being on the Swiss foundation’s management council (Pensionskasse) (see our 18/2014 mail14). This means we missed the important opportunity of co-determination by designated GATA members, particularly in questions of the pension scheme.

It looks like we could reach a record number of new members this year. Our 2014 promotion campaign is still on. Further info on numerous services, activities, membership fees- and their use is available at, about the publicity campaign on Put on a spurt: recruit new members, collect the bonuses and, most of all, support the union movement to improve your working conditions! Thank you.    

Best regards

Philipp Hadorn, president

SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, président GATA: SEV Aviation
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