Member Mail 5/2012

LTSW - Consultations mixed
Swiss - Ground staff thinned out
Manumea - Staff transferred
Welcome present for new members

Dear members,
Major parts of Swiss aviation have been shining like a lighthouse during the year 2011. While the industry had suffered severe setbacks worldwide, a large number of Swiss companies was able to report acceptable results. Now things have changed: The Lufthansa Group is getting into a tailspin affecting also Lufthansa Technik Switzerland and Swiss.

LTSW – consultations mixed
The Black Wednesday seems to become real. Within the legal consultation procedure no concrete alternatives to cutting down on staff could be presented (also see our website under downloads).
Nevertheless some "improvements", worked as well during the SEV meeting on 17 April 2012, could be ensured.
- The Social Plan shall be applicable on all notices given since the current restructurings were announced. The Social Plan is ready for download under
shall ensure that all employees having reduced their quota in connection with the past restructurings and short-time work programmes won't suffer from any drawbacks and social benefits  regarding the Social Plan. 
Those responsible shall actively cooperate with public job centres inside and outside the company to enable offering new jobs to as many as possible of those affected within short.
- Every effort shall be made to enhance the workability as well with certified qualifications.
- All trainees shall be ensured of the completion of their educating programme.
- "Social selection criteria" will be considered individually and according to the current situation of those actually affected by the lay-offs.
- Upon request assistance shall be given in case of individual outplacements, career advisory services and further trainings.

If you're interested SEV-GATA will offer you the opportunità Friday 1st June of personal guidance. Please apply by 28 May 2012 exclusively by e-mail to . The final appointement will be communicated by 30 May 2012 latest.

Swiss - ground staff thinned out
It's correct that Swiss has suffered from heavy loss of profits end of 1st quarter 2012. But there is no reason to panic. With its project "Score" Swiss will now make massive savings.
This may be reasonable when it comes to double tracks in the network or optimation of purchasing procedures, however SEV-GATA is critizising cut-downs on ground staff.  Impoving the system and reducing unproductive phases is a normal procedure and should be done all the time. Swiss is currently expanding its fleet and hirin additional flying staff. This seems to be reasonal and forward-looking. But saving on ground staff that has been knocked about in the past inspite of increasing workload, is illusory.
To check on "Shared Services" like Human Resources, Purchasing and Finance/Controlling to be concentrated in cooperation with other Lufthansa branches outside Switzerlanddoesn't make much sense. The reasons are as follows:

- The trade mark Swiss should really remain Swiss rade mark
- Services like this lack efficiency, ignore local opportunities, advantages and habits and lead to polarization problems.
- 10 years ago the population of Switzerland has spent billions of tax funds to safeguard jobs in Switzerland. If these jobs are now outsourced, the "goodwill" for the Swiss trade mark will be spoilt.
SEV-GATA will carefully observe this process and intervene if necessary.

Manumea: staff transferred
Since 1 April 2012 about 200 employees from SR-Technics or third parties joined Swiss. The process of integration is still going on.

On 19 June 2012 the next SEV-GATA general meeting will take place in Zurich. The supporting programme starts at 15.30h and we'll begin with the regular issues at 18.00h. Please register by 10 June 2012. The invitations have already been sent out to our members by post. They are ready for download on under "News".

New members will get a welcome present
Don't forget. Not only those who have won a new member for SEV-GATA in 2012 will get a super present. New members are not only offered the special union services but also an extra gift: 12 months of multi-legal job protection by Coop Insurance. (For details

SEV-GATA  the union fighting for the interests of transport staff!

With commited regards
SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry
Philipp Hadorn, president /