Member Mail 2 / 2012

Swiss – part of restructuring program of parent group
LTSW in a critical situation
SEV-GATA shop stewards  
General Meeting SEV-GATA  
Petition for 6 weeks holidays for all
Holiday-discount vouchers  
SEV-campaign 12.12.12


Dear member

Swiss – part of restructuring program of parent group
Swiss is currently performing well on the market. The company’s overall revenues are among the top of the industry sector. Recently Swiss presented the SCORE programme (synergies, costs, organisation, revenue, execution) to SEV-GATA attaching more importance to cost and efficiency management.  SEV-GATA expects Swiss to take care of the interests of its staff and to defend the jobs in Switzerland respecting the painful contributions ground staff has already made in the past. A further increase of the workload is no longer acceptable for the employees.
The Manumea project gave rise to many talks and discussions over the last months. After checking with its membership SEV-GATA agreed to the proposed shift model, provided that all legal and contractual regulations were being complied with.

LTSW – in a critical situation
Recently Lufthansa Technik Switzerland and SEV-GATA came together in a meeting of the two sides of industry where the severe economic situation of LTSW has been explained to SEV-GATA. Before SEV-GATA will discuss the proposed cost saving programme, however, LTSW is asked to disclose the wage scales of all employees and report on the matter. From the viewpoint of SEV-GATA the stagnant wages cannot take any further reductions.

SEV-GATA shop stewards
A wide network of shop stewards is important for union activities thus strengthening the presence of the union in the plants. They are also an important link between the colleagues (male and female) at work and the union. Until now we have two new members for this task: Priscilla Gemperle, Lufthansa Technik and Marc Monod, Swiss.
We want to thank them already now for their valuable and important support.

We are in the planning process of our annual general meeting. So far we can say that it will take place in Zurich on 19 June 2012. A detailed invitation will follow shortly.

Petition for 6 weeks holidays for all   
With more holidays you are able to unwind and combine work and family life more properly. Additional holidays also take into account the changing world of employment. In addition more holidays represent a fair participation of the workers in the economic progress of the past twenty years. Therefore we recommend you to definitely vote YES in the referendum «6 weeks holidays for all» on March 11.

Holiday-discount vouchers
Due to an endowment the SEV is able to offer holidays to their members with a moderate income. The so-called holiday-discount vouchers are redeemable in different places (FSG, Reka, Parkhotel Brenscino etc.). The relevant income limits are as follows:
25 % discount (max. CHF 200.00 /families and CHF 100.00 for singles)
Active members = Fr. 66’151.00 / per year
Retired members = Fr. 4’961.35 / per month
Widows/widow = Fr. 4’134.45 / per month
50 % discount (max. CHF 400.00 /families and CHF 200.00 for singles)
Active members = Fr. 63’668.00 / per year
Retired members = Fr. 4’775.10 / per month
Widows/widow = Fr. 3’979.25 / per month
With an income below these limits you are entitled to receive a voucher every other year. For each child entitled to child benefit CHF 1000,- can be deducted from the income. Trainees not paying union dues to the SEV, are excluded from these regulations. Orders and more info available at Eveline Tanner Steiner, SEV, Steinerstrasse 35, 3004 Bern, phone 031 357 57 11 or e-mail

SEV - campaign 12.12.12
Last year’s campaign 11.11.11 was a great success. The members were very keen to recruit a great number of new members. Therefore the campaign will continue for (almost) a full year. On top of the CHF 50.00 you can win interesting prices (DAB-radio, IPad etc) for each newly recruited member. Join in, it’s worth it. For more details see

With committed regards

SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry
Philipp Hadorn, president /