Member Mail 8 / 2022

Swissport ZRH:
Successful Protest March
Negotiations with Clear Goals

Swiss No. 1:     
Cutting the "New Normal" Premium in Half? - "Nice Try"
Lawsuit Concerning  the Crisis CLA Withdrawn
Swiss No. 2:    
Short-term Shifts on Days Off Receive Higher Compensation
Swiss No. 3:      
TML Employees Fight Against Additional Shifts

Visit on Site in Zurich: Thu., September 8, 2022, from 4 pm

Dear colleagues

Our forecasts have proven true: Shortly after the Covid crisis, air traffic is recovering rapidly. The managers of airlines and service providers seems overwhelmed. Employees work non-stop, while passengers and luggage end up stranded.

"And now some airlines are pretending like Christmas will come as a complete surprise." "If customers, partners and employees are so dissatisfied, management has to question what they are doing." These two quotations do not come from trade unions, but from the boss of Kuoni, Dieter Zümpel, expressing his anger especially at Swiss.

Swissport ZRH: Successful Protest March
Our demand has been handed over to Swissport management at Zurich airport on 23 July and was received loudly and clearly. The notable protest march showed unequivocally: We now need a quick breakthrough in the CLA negotiations at the minimum level of the CLA19 (pre-Covid level) with a reduction of split tours, more days off work and better remuneration.

All protesters have pulled together and helped express our message clearly, without disrupting any passengers. Swissport does not agree to our legitimate demands, but that does not stop us from resuming negotiations shortly. The staff's message is clear and can become even clearer if necessary – as we already see in neighbouring countries.

Until we find a workable solution, employees of Swissport Zurich legitimately do not provide "unreasonable" services and will make sure they take sufficient care of their health and private lives. Decent recovery time must be granted even if that means staff shortages on site.

Swiss No. 1:
Cutting the "New Normal" Premium in Half? – "Nice Try".
Lawsuit Concerning the Crisis CLA Is Redundant

With a profit of 67 million in the first half of the year (before the summer rush), Swiss is on track for success. It is only fair that the crisis CLA is being lifted, Covid premiums are flowing and efforts are being made to recruit staff again after the questionable mass dismissal.

Following Swiss's announcement that it would unilaterally cease to apply the "crisis CLA" prematurely at the end of 2022, the company even dared to pay out the agreed "new normal" premium of CHF 2,500 prematurely, but only half of it. "Nice try", was our answer to this outrageous offer. We will no longer be filing our prepared lawsuit concerning the crisis CLA. The "payback" seems lucrative for 10 months of application, although it may not be paid out until the next three years in a maximum of three tranches.

Swiss No. 2:
Short-term Shifts on Days Off Receive Higher Compensation

Calling employees in for extra shifts on their days off is never a good idea. Recreation and leisure time are too important. Apparently, it has become standard practice in shift operations in recent weeks to ask employees to come in for additional shifts.

This should remain the exception and is voluntary (subject to approval). It should only be done if there is an urgent need and a willingness on the part of colleagues, but should also be compensated fairly. In response to our intervention, Swiss management agreed that in a limited period (from July to September 2022), in addition to the time surcharge of three hours, an extra CHF 100 will be paid out per additional shift. The payment is to be made with the October salaries.

The time limit corresponds to our demand, since such assignments ought not to take place at all. However, we demanded it for all those affected, not just for employees on the shift/duty plan. We accept hints and the voluntariness is inviolable.

Swiss No. 3:
TML Employees Fight Against Additional Shifts TML

TML's technical employees have successfully collected a considerable number of signatures. The strenuous shift work should not continue to be worsened with the agreed additional shifts. The consequences for health and private life are too severe. We will now start negotiations with Swiss with a delegation; our demand is clear. We very much welcome the activist commitment of our colleagues and it is now necessary to find a solution with Swiss with adapted means. The dehydrated labour market is a tailwind!

Visit on Site in Zurich: Thursday, September 8, 2022, from 4 pm
On Thursday, September 8, 4pm, union secretary Sheila Belometti will be on site in Zurich (TML, Hangar, Ramp, Load Control). A great opportunity to clarify questions in direct conversation!

Solidarity and commitment lead to success. SEV-GATA, your union, fights for your interests – for you, with you! Our promotion until the end of September 2022 "Double advertising bonus" (CHF 100.00) is intended to reinforce the boost. Not a member yet? Join now at SEV-GATA is part of the largest trade union of transport workers – in Switzerland, but also in Europe (ETF) and worldwide (ITF)!

Kind regards,

Philipp Hadorn, President

SEV-GATA, your union in the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation
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