Member Mail 4 / 2020

Coronavirus: Exceptional Situation

Dear Colleagues

The consequences of the current coronavirus outbreak are dramatic for all of us, but especially for employees in the aviation industry. SEV-GATA has been in close contact with social partners since the beginning of the outbreak. We cultivate a productive exchange with employers; however, the situation and the economic circumstances differ widely.

Most of the involved parties agree that any kind of downsizing should only be temporary. This ensures that capacities and knowhow can be increased again quickly once the situation recovers itself.

Furthermore, it is widely acknowledged the companies are not the only ones who are suffering from the situation. Employees are struggling with fear and insecurity, too, which should not be aggravated further.

Among others, Swiss and Swissport are currently applying for short-time work. Our general stance is to collectively agree with it, provided that employees will not suffer any damage.

However, this seems to be an issue with Swissport operations. Swissport Zurich will introduce short-time work immediately, even though it is not yet clear whether 100% of wages will be paid. At Swissport Geneva, discussions are under way.

We have agreed to short-time work at Swiss from 1 April until 30 June 2020 under the following conditions: no wage reduction and postponement of the first possible cancellation date for the current CLA by 12 months (31 December 2021). New conditions will be negotiated should short-time work remain necessary over a longer time period. Requesting an optional partial wage suspension lies within the responsibilities of Swiss. We deem the effects of this symbolic act of solidarity to be insignificant and the assurance of a subsequent compensation appears insufficient to us.

Companies have informed us that there are strict new recruitment bans in place at the moment. We are aware that this will lead to a problematic workload in some areas. We advise you to pay attention to your personal health if you agree to additional work. This is in the interest of everybody involved. On the other hand, we demand that companies take every measure possible to protect the health of their employees and, particularly, to reduce the risk of infection.

Dear colleagues, we will tackle this exceptional situation together. Everybody should try not to panic and not make any wrongful concessions to employers. However, it is important to accept adequate measures to overcome this stressful situation.

We intend to be present at Zurich airport on 19 March 2020 at 1:15 pm (break room terminal A) and are available for discussions.

Your union, SEV-GATA, defends your interests in every situation. Thank you for your loyal support.

Best wishes,

Philipp Hadorn, President

SEV-GATA, your union in the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation
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