Special Member Mail

  • CLA Swissport Geneva

  • CLA Swissport Zurich

  • CLA Swiss

  • Membership Fees SEV-GATA

  • 100 Years SEV Anniversary – Women’s Strike 2019 – Recruitment Campaign

Dear Colleagues

Since July 2017, as members of SEV-GATA, most of you are now part of SEV. The integration of our PUSH colleagues has been completed successfully, and we now benefit from a vivid exchange between our colleagues from different organisational areas, which is very pleasing. In the following, a quick outlook into the aviation industry:

CLA Swissport Geneva

There will be CLA negotiations this year. Starting in March 2019, Patricia Alcaraz will take over Tony Mainolfi’s tasks, who will remain in SEV’s administrative body. We want to thank you, Tony, for your commitment and dedication to our colleagues in the aviation sector. We are looking forward to our future collaboration. At the same time, we would like to welcome Patricia. She has a wide array of experience working for trade unions and will undoubtedly be a great fit for the members of SEV-GATA and their interests. Have a good start, Patricia! Information on the CLA procedure is to follow.

CLA Swissport/SBS Zurich

There are still a few pending issues which resulted from the CLA negotiations. Furthermore, Peko elections will be held during the next few weeks. We can only allow ourselves a short break after the challenging CLA procedure.

CLA Swiss

It has not yet been decided in the CLA procedure whether the wage system shall constitute a continuation or a substitute for the Job Level Concept. Negotiations are underway.

Membership Fees

The regular membership fees for members of SEV-GATA (degree of employment min. 50%) is Fr. 18.40/month (plus performance costs). Members from former PUSH areas (ISS, Priora, and Swissport) benefit from reduced fees according to the transitional regulations. We aim to level out membership fees for all members in the aviation sector. In 2019, the transitional fee is Fr. 12.00/month (Fr. 6.00 for retired members and those who work less than 50%). Accordingly, the fees will be raised again by Fr. 3.00/month for the next two years. This procedure, which was already presented during the integration procedure of PUSH into SEV-GATA, allows us to show the substantial services of SEV/SEV-GATA, but also to grant equality while slowly raising the fees at an acceptable pace. Memberships are billed twice a year for six months. One pillar of our service palette is our individual legal protection for employment issues. Legal protection for non-professional conflicts can be added voluntarily at a rate of Fr. 78.00/year, billed yearly.

100 Years SEV Anniversary – Women’s Strike 2019 – Recruitment Campaign

The Swiss Transport Workers’ Union SEV is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. You will find information on all the festive activities in our newspaper. Additionally, the Women’s Strike 2019 will take place on 14 June.

SEV takes advantage of this opportunity with a gift for new members: Men who join SEV from February until October 2019 will not have to pay any membership fees for the first three months, and women will benefit from a free membership until the end of the year! On top of this, those who convince their colleagues of becoming a member still receive a provision of Fr. 50.00 per new member. We are happy to provide material and more information for you!

The strength of our union is directly linked to the number of members. We are counting on your support to make sure we can continue to fight for your interests. Thank you!

Best wishes,

Philipp Hadorn, President

SEV-GATA, your union in the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation
/ www.sev-gata.ch / www.sev-online.ch