Member Mail 1 / 2016

New Swiss Top Manager                            
Questions about Working Hours             
Proceedings on behalf of our Members         
Referendums on February 28, 2016

Dear Colleagues

The first weeks of the New Year have passed and the pay rise negotiated with Swiss seems to have been correctly paid out with the January 2016 wages. Thanks to the Boeing 777 Swiss could be regarded again as innovative by a wide public.

New Swiss Top Manager 
A month after the New Year has begun a new manager started work at Swiss, after all. SEV-GATA hopes that Thomas Klühr will continue making the necessary steps to cultivate good industrial relations based on the agreements contractually specified. For Harry Hohmeister it was obviously more important to prepare internal processes during the last months than to comply with our agreements. With great expectations we’ll remind the new CEO of pending matters and continue advocating for the best possible outcomes for our members consistently.

Questions about Working Hours    
Now the regulations to implement working hour models (subj. shift work in line maintenance) could be worked out. Within short these will be communicated on our website. Another pending subject from our CLA negotiations is the regulation of working hours. Due to our efforts the period of night time for staff not working irregularly could be fixed in a way that it meets their demand, too.

Legal Protection Proceedings on behalf of our Members  
Last year we were again able to clarify numerous proceedings in cases of dispute between our members. In legal proceedings and out of court settlements five-figure amounts could be secured for those affected.

Referendums of 28 February 2016       
SEV-GATA as part of the SEV and thereby part of Swiss Union Association SGB is always taking a stand on referendums not only with regard to professional life, public means for infra structure or social affairs, but also to the observance of human rights. Read the explanations to our recommendations for the individual referendums on

SGB Recommendations: 

SAY NO to referendum "To enforce expelling of criminal foreigners (Enforcement initiative/ Durchsetzungsinitiative)";
SAY NO to amendment to the federal law on road transit traffic through the alpine region (STVG, redevelopment of Gotthard-Road Tunnel/ Gotthard-Strassentunnel);
SAY NO to CVP-initiative "For marriage and family-against marriage penalty/Heiratsstrafe";
SAY YES to the petition for a referendum "No speculation with nutrition!". 

Please make a note: Next GM of SEV-GATA is planned for Tuesday, June 28, 2016. Details will follow in due course.

This year, too, cost pressure on aviation will continue. Only with a strong union movement we’ll succeed in improving the development on behalf of the employees. All information on a membership is available on our website.

Best regards         

Philipp Hadorn, president    

SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, Präsident GATA: SEV-Aviation
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