Member Mail 6 / 2014

SEV-GATA strengthened
Swiss CLA Negotiations
GM SEV-GATA: Register now
Minimum Wages – Referendum

Dear Colleagues 

Collective labour agreements (CLA), social partnership and fair employment conditions haven’t been the main topic only since the 1 May events. Social tensions are coming up in Switzerland as well. Employees are no longer able to understand why highly paid managers make self-promotion rather than profit for the company. 

SEV-GATA strengthened 

Particularly Swiss’ staff has understood over the past weeks that a high number of union members is required for good employment conditions. We are pleased to welcome dozens of new members. Especially at this stage it is important that we increase the number of our members – to strengthen the union movement and to give a clear signal to the employers! Put your foot down, download the declaration of membership under, collect your prize and help successfully concluding our negotiations. 

Swiss CLA Negotiations 

Not only ground staff has been snubbed by Swiss. CLA negotiations with the pilots’ associations were given the brush-off by its rank and file in March, too. The same happened to the CLA results for cabin staff recently. Cancelling the two cabin staff CLAs Swiss continues its collision course and even announces to employ more staff outside the current CLA. Step by step Swiss is destabilizing the conditions of employment. The whole workforce is increasingly worried. There are lots of contacts with associations and trade unions of all job categories. Strict silence is to be maintained during the ongoing CLA talks for ground staff. As a Lufthansa subsidiary we still have the chance of cultivating fair working conditions and social partnership “Swiss style”. 

GM SEV-GATA: Register now!

21 May 2014, 18.00 h the 2014 general meeting (GM) of SEV-GATA will take place in Volkshaus Zurich. Looking into the current CLA negotiations with Swiss, listening to the report on “strike in air traffic” by ver.di unionist Sebastian Marten and exchanging ideas will be a most exciting opportunity, Sebastian Marten just having lead the strike in a conflict with a subsidiary of Lufthansa Cargo. All members have received our invitation. After returning the declaration of membership all new members can download the invitation via and register by mail still in time. Please note: deadline for registration is 9th May 2014! 

Minimum Wages – Referendum  

On 18 May 2014 a referendum will be held for the minimum-wage initiative “For the Protection of Fair Wages”. With its petition Swiss Union Association wants to take a step to fair wages and to secure the dignity and the basis for the existence of all workers. With a minimum wage of CHF 3369 (x 13) per month Swiss comes close to precarious working conditions. Swiss is against this initiative. It’s important to say YES in favour of wage protection, YES for minimum wages, YES for a strong country with fair wages!  

A dedicated fight for fair working conditions is worthwhile!  

With kind regards    
SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry
Philipp Hadorn, Präsident GATA: SEV-Aviation
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