Member Mail 2 / 2014

CLA Negotiations/Meetings
Shifting of licence registration fees
Survey on the contentment of Swiss-employees
Referendums on 9 February 2013 and 18 May 2014
SEV-GATA General Meeting on 21 May 2014

Dear colleagues 
As a matter of fact Swiss is economically well off as ever. Apparently “Swiss“ in connection with lean structures and generally favourable productivy costs is still an absolute hit. The customers appreciate its product quality and reliability and are prepared to pay an extra price.

On 16 January 2013 SEV-GATA board members thoroughly discussed the current CLA situation. First CLA talks with Swiss are scheduled for mid-March 2014.
On the occasion of our first meeting on 24 January 2014 we were able to have discussions with union members and interested people in Werft 2.

Further meetings are scheduled for:
Thursday, 13 March 2014, 2.30 – 3.30 p.m. Obstgarten Zurich (details to follow)
Tuesday,    1 April    2014, 1.30 – 2.30 p.m. in Basle (details to follow)
Please register 1 week ahead of each date

The CLA had been violated by hiring staff below the wage scales. In the meantime Swiss announced that after our intervention they finally backdated the extra wages.The detailed report of compliance we demanded is still outstanding. We would appreciate getting additional info from our membership.

Shifting of licence registration fees
We were surprised to learn that just before Christmas Swiss had announced without consulting both sides that it would stop paying certain “licence registration fees” beginning 1 January 2014 and to pass these costs on to the staff. On the occasion of a meeting with Swiss we already protested against this inappropriate procedure. We had a meeting with those concerned and further meetings will follow. We are going to check what  legal and contractual possibilities there are for Swiss to fix the matter.

Questioning about the contentment of Swiss-staff
Currently employees are being questioned about the business culture of Swiss. Actually this is also a question of how satisfied the personnel is. The open questions will leave space for remarks concerning the cancellation of the CLA, austerity programmes, the way of dealing with the unions, missing wage developments and many more.

Take the chance and have your say – frankly, honestly and critically!

Referendums on 9 February 2013 and 18 May 2014
Persons entitled to vote in Switzerland will have the opportunity of having an influence on our politics:
 SEV-GATA recommends for February 9, 2014: 
Vote yes to Fabi. The present alternative to the VCS-petition for the implementation of a referendum offers the forward-looking financial basis for a sustainable development of our transport policy. 
Vote no to the petition against mass immigration. The xenophobic and pointless intentions of the SVP will damage the people of Switzerland, Swiss industries and violate human rights. 

SEV-GATA recommends for 18 May 2014: 
Vote yes to minimum wage petition. The petition has been launched by Swiss trade unions. Finally a legal minimum wage should be introduced, currently not below CHF 4000 per month.

SEV-GATA General meeting on 21 May 2014
Please make a note already now: General meeting on 21 May 2014. In connection with the present CLA negotiations you’ll have the opportunity of discussing its status, contents and procedure together with your colleagues. It’s a must for people who care about their working conditions. Of course our get-together will be in a relaxed atmosphere and food is provided. Further info to follow. Please register for taking part in the meetings, join SEV-GATA and co-determine our CLA-priorities.

Fighting actively for fair working conditions is worth it!
With kind regards
SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry
Philipp Hadorn, president GATA: SEV-Aviation
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