Member Mail 14 / 2014

10 Years of GATA in the SEV
Follow up Swiss CLA: Shift Work
Licence Fees
Implementation of Adjusted Working Hours & Salary Increase 

Dear colleagues          

A few months ago we were not in the mood for partying. But inspite of some critical points in the CLA still to be sorted out, we feel we’ve got every reason to celebrate:            

10 years of GATA in the SEV     
In spring 2004 GATA was integrated into the biggest union for transport staff, the SEV. Before this we had been in close cooperation for three years, we had held a ballot among all GATA members and reached the approval of the SEV executives. In March 2004 the time had come: Air traffic became part of the SEV union movement and therefore part of the Swiss union association SGB. Since then the SEV has been organising staff members of all sectors of collective transport, - on rail, road, snow, water, cables and in the air (in air transport only ground staff). At this point many thanks indeed for your fine cooperation and your loyalty to SEV-GATA! A little surprise is in the pipeline for all our members in Basel and Zurich and is provided for this autumn. 

„Follow up“ Swiss CLA: shift work
In accordance with the final agreement of the new CLA, item 4, a team should be assigned to regulate the days off for shift workers. On the meeting of the SEV-GATA board commission it was determined that those concerned should be involved. This means exactly that SEV-GATA members of each shift have to select a delegate within their group. This person is responsible for the exchange of ideas between shift workers and the group of negotiators. To participate in these talks the session time will be made available to the persons selected.    

Please return your form filled in with the selected person of each shift by August 18, 2014. This form will be ready for download on our website end of July. As far as SEV-GATA is concerned the talks will be held by SEV-union secretary Regula Bieri. You can contact her for any further questions ( / tel. 079 464 37 32). 

Licence Fees   
SEV-GATA was irritated to note that Swiss wanted to stick to the licence renewal fees that had been shifted on to the employees since January 1, 2014. SEV-GATA will discuss this issue with BAZL and the management. We don’t see why the workers should have to finance themselves what is urgently required for developing their contractual efficiency. Moreover Swiss’s behaviour looks stingy, raises legal questions and doesn’t add to the motivation and productivity of those concerned.    

Implementation of Adjusted Working Hours & Salary increase    
With the new CLA effective July 1, 2014, working hours will be increased to 42. When editing the CLA we put down that weekly working hours would’t be raised until September 1, 2014. The wage increase for the first semester 2014 will be paid retrospectively in a fixed sum of 8 percent of the July wages and rounded up to the next hundred Francs. Payment will be made with the August salary.

The steadily increasing number of new members makes it clear: A membership at SEV-GATA is worth while and ensures your co-determination! You’re not yet a member? Join SEV-GATA now and have your say. By the way, for every newly-recruited member you’ll get 50 CHF paid into your accound and additional bonuses. All information regarding the membership are available at, the declaration form for joining is ready for download under

Wishing you nice and sunny days!

Best regards

Philipp Hadorn, president

SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry
Philipp Hadorn, president GATA: SEV-Aviation
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