Member Mail 13 / 2014

SWISS CLA: 52 % vote in favour oft he CLA 

Dear colleagues                 

With a majority of 52 % SEV-GATA members voted in favour of the CLA for SWISS Ground Personnel. After the results have been ratified as well by the managing committee of the whole SEV-organisation, there is nothing to stop GATA-committee from signing the contract.

Following provisions will be implemented accordingly: 

- individual basic salaries will be increased by 1 % and backdated to January 1, 2014
- vacation entitlement will be increased by 1 day
- introduction of the variable Success Participation Plan EBM replacing the current Profit   
  Participation Plan PPP with retroactive effect on 1 January 2014
- introduction of a guaranteed reserve fund for individual performance bonuses opened
  with 0.75 % of the total annual basic salary
- increase of Pikett compensation to CHF 50 respectively CHF 100
- protection from termination of employment for employees between age of 55 - 58
- early retirements will also be effected in accordance with the social plan
- increase of weekly working hours from 41 to 42 hours
- increase oft he age of ordinary retirement by 1 year to 64 years with the corresponding
  increase of pension capital

Moreover, SWISS’ plans to establish new vacation regulations and to increase working hours for shift workers will have to be discussed in a team by the end of September. For this reason we’ll inform you shortly of how to proceed with selecting the delegates of the different shift groups. For those employees subject to heavy pressure due to shift work it will be particularly important to have a say in the discussions and to cooperate closely with SEV-GATA. All details of the final agreement are still available for download on our website. As usual the deciding factor will be whether the solutions to be negotiated are accepted by those concerned and whether they are ready for fighting if necessary. SWISS still seems to ignore the strain on the shift workers’ health and social life due to aircraft maintenance on night shifts, in all weathers and in irregular duties.

Thanks to the resistance of SEV-GATA and the pressure of our members we succeeded in negotiating an acceptable CLA, in spite of the currently enormous austerity measures of the Lufthansa-Group.

New members to support your demands are still urgently needed – not only for the question of shift regulations, but also for the forthcoming pay talks in accordance with the CLA in autumn.

Not yet a member? Join SEV-GATA now and co-determine. SEV-GATA members have a say in the decisions about their working conditions. All information on the membership can be found under, the declaration of membership is available for download via 

A dedicated fight for fair working conditions pays – yesterday, today and tomorrow!   

Best regards

Philipp Hadorn, president

SEV-GATA, your union oft he aviation industry
Philipp Hadorn, president GATA: SEV-Aviation
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