Member Mail 5 / 2013

SEV Aviation GATA – with new logo  
28 May 2013 GM at “Verkehrshaus Luzern”   
International Treaty “Air Traffic“ in Parliament     
Jeanette Böhler – a recognition                                                                           Peko replacement elections  

ar colleagues   

While many people are busy booking their summer holidays unionists and members of the aviation industry are confronted with austerity programs.

EV Aviation GATA – the new logo 
The new logo a by-product of our February 2013 committee meeting could be introduced on this year’s general meeting: designed in the colours of the SEV-family black/red and blue GATA takes off with the abstract tailfin of an aircraft. Shortly to be seen on all our documents and our website!

28 May 2013 GM at “Verkehrshaus Luzern”     
Late in May we had an exciting general meeting in Lucerne. When taking part in an interesting guided tour of the hall “Aviation and Space Travel“ at “Verkehrshaus Luzern“ we could feel the "fascination of flying“. “The history of aviation in Switzerland – from the early days until today” showed us that today’s mobility has only become possible due to the engagement and the innovations of dedicated people. 
Looking back the GM was clouded by the fact that LTSW was, to all intents and purposes, closed and many of our colleagues resigned. Looking ahead to the future the current austerity programs cause a lot of strain.
Welcome to Daniela Fischer who has been elected unanimously to the business audit commission (GPK). Congratulations!
At this point we also want to say thank you to the commission members Dominik Fischer, Bert Füller and Andreas Breker for their commitment and their good cooperation. Thanks as well to our collegues in the GPK, the shop stewards and the representative of the SEV migration commission. Our cooperation with the staff commission (Peko) works very well too making our different duties much easier to handle. Last but not least we wish to say thank you to our collegues Regula Bieri and Eveline Tanner for their involvement in aviation at SEV! 

Jeanette Böhler – a recognition                   
On May 23, 2013 during the 2-days SEV congress I had to say goodbye to Jeanette (Jeanny) Böhler together with her relatives, friends and fellow unionists in Grenzach D. She has always been a dedicated member of Swiss staff commission and an active member of SEV-GATA. As a colleague and a friend she gave us new ideas and contributed a lot to our team. Jeanette was defeated by a terminal illness. Together with her family we will miss Jeanette and will always remember her vividly. 

Peko-Replacement Elections    
Jeanette Böhler was a Peko-member of constituency 1 (Technik, IT, Corporate, Finance, HR). We need to hold elections now looking preferably for a person from “engine shop, line maintenance or store” in Basle. Naturally other divisions are also possible according to the election regulations. All persons interested and any proposals should be registered by the end of June 2013 latest. I’m always available for further questions, just like the other Peko-members, of course. The duties, rights and tasks of this interesting and important job are described in the regulations on the Intranet.

International Treaty “Air Traffic“ in Parliament    
June 6 and 7 2013 “the parliamentary resolution on the ratification of the agreement between Switzerland and Germany concerning the effects of Zurich airport operations on German territory” was discussed in the National Council. After intensive debates we decided with 110 to 66 votes in favour of the ratificatication of the treaty. Apart from the discussions about the ecological and economical importance of Zurich airport the main interest obviously focussed on the problems "noise and noise distribution”. SEV-GATA is convinced that also in air traffic mobility plays an important part in understanding and communicating with people of all nations and continents and that it’s absolutely indispensable for the social and economic development. A journey by air may not become the privilege of an elite. We must fight the continuing price-dumping leading to additional pressure on the working conditions and reduce emissions sustainably. Now it’s Germany’s turn to ratify the agreement.

…. and please don’t forget our 2013 membership campaign with attractive prizes. We urgently need to strengthen our bargaining position!

Wishing you some sunny summer holidays with your friends and time to unwind!

Kind regards
SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry  
Philipp Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation
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