Good results at the end of the year!

Dear Colleagues  

Last summer we’ve been asked by you to talk about a pay rise in Pikett-Duty. After first conversations with those directly affected and after analysing other payment schemes for Pikett-Services in this branch of industry, we entered into pay talks. Swiss immediately understood that there was a demand and a necessity for adjusting pay. After several meetings we reached following results:

5 weekdays (Mo – Fr)  Pikett Service compensation CHF 50.00 per diem
2 weekend days (Sa/Su) Pikett Service compensation CHF 100.00 per diem
Equal to àTotal CHF 450.00 per week
Regulations for weekend days applicable for public holidays
1 general working hour per diem on Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays may be accumulated and compensated but cannot be paid out
Hours actually worked and recorded during Pikett-duty will be paid out systematically 

This regulation is valid per 1 January 2014. We’ve been able to raise the financial fixing significantly. This was mainly possibly because the majority of you got organized in a union and supported us in our negotiations. This fact definitely didn’t escape Swiss’s notice either.
Taking joint action by giving SEV-GATA your mandate shows very clearly that this was the right decision. Thank you for your confidence and your cooperation.

Become a member now! 
ll applications for membership incoming by 30 December 2013 will benefit from following advantages:

Co-determination. New members are allowed to have a say in our package of demands, too.
Our cool memory card shows that there is enough space at SEV-GATA. The PC stick in card format offers 4 GB of memory space and is designed in our new trendy SEV-GATA logo (dispatch after receipt of the first membership contribution from January 2013)
Reka-cheques for CHF 100,- : Reka-cheques, means of payment for mobility will be granted to members at a discount. As an introductory offer new members will get them for free. (all further details on – dispatch April 2014).
Active or passive: If you become a member at SEV-GATA, you can actively contribute to better working conditions. A passive membership as well can help us enforcing our goals and achieving better working conditions – for you, too!
A wide range of advantages: On our websites and you’ll find a wide variety of advantages for our members, among other things offers for professional development and insurances.

Please copy this mail to all colleagues in your department, print it out and distribute it. A new membership is particularly worthwhile if you join us by December 30, 2013. For each newly- recruited member you’ll get the usual CHF 50,- bonus!

In view of the forthcoming CLA talks we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

With best regards,
SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry!
Regula Bieri, union secretary
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