Member Mail 3 / 2012

LTSW terminates CLA
Peko elections at LTSW
EuroAirport: Swiss law with CLA
SEV-GATA Shop Stewards
2012 General Meeting June 19, 2012 in Zurich
SEV-Campaign 12.12.12

Dear member

LTSW terminates CLA
In the middle of our negotiations on new working hour regulations LTSW terminates the CLA by the end of September 2012. Further information on the future of LTSW will follow on Wednesday. The behaviour of LTSW is at least irritating. SEV-GATA now invites all members and new members to a meeting. We want to talk about the present and future of your jobs, discuss with you how to proceed and which strategies to use by fighting for fair working conditions and saving your jobs. We also want to find out whether there is a willingness to mobilize or not. Your participation decides on the future of your jobs. We expect you on Tuesday, April 17, 2012, 16.00h in the auditorium of Swiss.

Peko elections at LTSW A
fter one Peko-member has left the company replacement elections will take place. GATA members interested in this duty can contact me directly by April 12, 2012 latest. We’ll check the applications, discuss overlappings, if any, and hand in the candidatures in due time after having consulted the applicant. Cooperating with Peko is an important task allowing a wide range of possibilities to represent the interests of your workmates (male/female). For this purpose SEV-GATA regularly offers its members opportunities for further training and support.

EuroAirport under Swiss law with CLA
The commitment to legal security at the EAP has been going on for many years. SEV-GATA has supported the demand that „Swiss law“continues to be applied. At the same time we insisted that the social protection of the employees can only be guaranteed by an “obligatory CLA”. The employers orally assured us of their social protection, but refused to include an obligatory CLA in the binational “accord”. For this reason SEV-GATA refused to give its consent. The explanation was also given via media report (available for download on our website).

SEV-GATA shop stewards
Our network of shop stewards is being supplemented: Our new man for this task is Paolo Tuzzi, Process Engineer e-freight in Zurich. We wish him good luck and success for this important function as a link between workforce and union management.

Already now we are planning our annual SEV-GATA general meeting. So far we can tell you: it will take place in Zurich on June 19, 2012. A detailed invitation will be sent to you in the middle of April and then be available for download on our homepage.

SEV-campaign 12.12.12
Members recruiting members. This is the principle of the SEV, and exactly this is what we are going to promote in our big membership campaign. The race is on again, also in 2012. If you recruit new members for the SEV by the 12.12.12 you’ll get: a DAB radio or fashionable headset for 4 new members, an SEV exclusive leisure bag “by anyway” for 8 recruited members and a Jura coffee maker or iPad 3 for 12 newly-recruited members. Further details under

With committed regards
SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry
Philipp Hadorn, president /