Membermail 13/2011

2011 – EU economy destabilized 
wiss Franc – too highly rated 
dvent season – with lousy wage rounds 
012 Membership fees: unchanged 
Calendar campaign
New Year’s Apéro – Tuesday, 10 January 2012 in Basle 

Dear Member 

Another year with manifold events has come to an end: The destabilization of the economy in the European Union has led to a strong Swiss Franc, the consequences of which are still unpredictable. 

Swiss Franc – too highly rated
Interventions from several parts including Swiss trade unions made the National Bank take action at last: With a minimum value of CHF 1.20/Euro the worst could be averted from the Swiss labour market. The unions explained that an adjusted value of CHF 1.40/Euro would be factually justified. Aviation is also extremely suffering from the strong Franc. 

Advent season – with lousy wage rounds
While LTSW has been strongly hit by the crisis, SWISS is doing well compared to other airlines. 
e wage freeze of LTSW reflects the economic situation. Regarding SWISS the wage stop is strange. The 2012 pay talks between SWISS and the trade unions for GAV-ground staff broke down in mid-December. SWISS was not prepared to agree to a general pay rise and to increase the holiday entitlement by 1 day.
The current wage stop is even more disappointing and harder to understand as SWISS will be profitable again at the end of the year and can make considerable operating profits (latest EBIT 7,8%). This profit is not least due to the considerable increase in productivity. The wage freeze incomprehensible for the employees can’t hide the fact that the profit sharing model again applicable for this year will have no sustainable effect on the wage development and the wages relevant for the old-age pension. 

2012 Membership fees: unchanged
As before SEV/SEV-GATA will support the employees. Together with our members we’ll go on fighting for the workers’ interests and lay the foundation for fair negotiations with the firms. 
At the same time we’ll continue working with the absolutely imperative international network  and as a part of the ETF and ITF (European and international umbrella organisation) we’ll try to work out social guidelines for aviation.
In spite of the increasing costs the committees of SEV/SEV-GATA have decided not to raise the membership fees. 

Calendar Campaign
Over the past few weeks our committee board members, SEV representatives and staff members have distributed about 2000 calendars to aviation employees. Many thanks! In numerous conversations and meetings we were shown that there is a strong interest in the union movement. 

New Year’s Apéro on Tuesday, 10 January 2012 in Basle
The SEV-GATA board members invite all members and those interested to a drink in the Restaurant “au 5ième” in Basle. In an informal meeting we want to come together and discuss the topical issues. Of course we also want to drink a toast to the New Year. 

In the New Year SEV-GTA will continue fighting for your interests with untiring commitment – for you and together with you! 

The Advent- and Christmas season may bring you a couple of quiet hours remembering essentials. Wishing you a happy and successful New Year.

With committed regards
SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry
Philipp Hadorn, president /