Member Mail 5/2010

Ash Cloud and short-time work
SECO Exceptional Permit
Swiss Peko Replacement Elections
Swiss CLA discussed


Dear members,

Ash Cloud and short-time work
The volcanic eruption with far-reaching consequences on air traffic even in our country is already a few weeks ago. Meanwhile policy in Switzerland has decided – pressure came also from the unions and the enterprises concerned – that supplement can be claimed afterwards for short-time work resulting from this particular incident. In most companies our members have made use of this possibility.

As much as we liked to help the firms cope with the “volcanic losses”, we now have to watch that they won’t try to pass the buck over to the workers. Particularly additional pressure and overtime ordered for a great number of ground staff should be correctly compensated.

SECO Exceptional Permit
For maintenance staff exceptional SECO permits covering extensions of working hours, working week and/or permanent night work have run out. In close cooperation with those concerned SEV-GATA gave the necessary approval that SECO can check the application of Swiss.

Swiss Peko Replacement Elections
After our colleague, Luigi Cattani, member of the staff commission (Peko), constituency 7, unfortunately passed away, his seat in Peko has become vacant. For the term of office 2008 – 2011 replacement elections have become due. They are now being prepared with SEV-GATA having the right to nominate a representative from Network, Marketing and HR for this seat too.
Unfortunately the elections had not been called in conformity with the rules, which would have made it impossible for the union to be granted the right of nomination. On intervention of SEV-GATA the replacement election was stopped. Now the procedure will be started again in cooperation with the social partners. More info to follow.
As Peko has a great influence in internal company arrangements interested SEV-GATA members are urgently requested to consider a nomination either for themselves or qualified colleagues (male or female) and to contact SEV-GATA as soon as possible.

Swiss CLA discussed
On invitation of Swiss first talks regarding the development of the CLA took place on 30 April 2010.
From the point of view of SEV-GATA the development of the CLA is not particularly interesting at the moment. However it’s about time to raise stagnant wage rates and to talk about a continuous wage development both compensating prise rises and increasing the real purchasing power. The current CLA leaves enough scope for bargaining. Swiss is asked to provide a number of evaluations and statistics regarding the present wage situation before the summer break to work out concrete and adjusted positions.
In the months to come we must ensure that the momentary crisis of this sector is not abused to make job cutting- and down-sizing plans. We have to pay attention that the companies are aware of their social and socio- political responsibility. There are plenty of businesses successfully following this positive example. 

With committed regards,
SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry
Philipp Hadorn, President /