Member Mail 10/2010

Advent – with mixed annual results
Swiss: CLA – bargaining round – a stage win
LTSW: Job certainty but no pay increase
Swiss Private Aviation: a disaster
Industrial sector on „standby“
New Year’s apéro on 10 January, 2011 in Basle 

Dear member
Towards the end of the year union activities in 2010 can be summed up with mixed results:

Politics: Switzerland is getting more and more hostile to foreigners, upon international pressure it finally curbed banking secrecy, still resists fiscal justice, prevents pension fraud and deteriorates the benefits of the unemployment insurance. 

Swiss: CLA and bargaining round – a stage win
A stage win could be reached by 2% pay rise, minimum CHF 100,--/month (100% quota) from 1 January, 2011 and pay scales increasing by 2.5% in all wage brackets.
The different categories – including especially social insurance and pension schemes – must  continue to be adjusted.

LTSW: Job certainty but no pay increase
After thorough restructurings LTSW is still not on the road to success and its future still uncertain. In this year’s pay talks we didn’t come to an agreement with LTSW because it didn’t feel in a position to make any pay increase. After all LTSW could prove that the wages had been raised by more than 6% since the transition of Swiss. SEV-GATA considers a wage freeze not acceptable. Now we expect that the business will develop positively at last, making the jobs secure and enabling successful wage talks next year.

Swiss Private Aviation: a disaster
The LH-group has decided that Swiss Private Aviation will give up business within short. For the time being they are waiting for alternatives from the pending consultation procedure. SEV-GATA expects that all staff members will be offered a solution with a guaranteed future. We will always be available to our members for advice and support.                

Industry sector on “standby”
Air traffic is still caught up in a deep process of reorganisation.
The price development of airline tickets is extremely depending on the market situation. After all one can say that Swiss is permanently creating new jobs.

Union dues 2011: unchanged
SEV-/SEV-GATA will keep representing staff members and continue with the air traffic project next year. Together with our members we will go on fighting for the employees’ interests and add to develop a solid basis for fair negotiations with the companies.
Simultaneously we will continue working with the international network, which is absolutely imperative, and as a part of ETF and ITF (the European and international umbrella organisations) we’ll try to work out a social framework for air traffic. Despite the rising costs the committees of SEV/SEV-GATA have decided not to raise union dues.

New Year’s Apéro on Monday, 10 January, 2011 in Basle
The SEV-GATA committee invites all members and all those interested for a drink on Monday, 10 January, 2011 beginning 16.00 o’clock in Basle (entrance hall of Swiss/LTSW main building) On this informal occasion we want to exchange ideas and discuss the latest topics in a personal atmosphere. Let’s come together and have a drink to the New Year.

Calendar campaign: Over the last few weeks several committee members and SEV-members have distributed up to 2000 calendars to aviation industry employees. Many thanks! In lively discussions and meetings we met with a great interest in the union movement.

SEV-GATA will represent your interests courageously and tirelessly also in the New Year – with you for you!

Hoping in Advent you’ll be able to spend a couple of quiet hours remembering essentials!

With committed regards
SEV-GATA, your aviation union!
Philipp Hadorn, president /