Member Mail 3 / 2023

SEV-GATA GM on 20 June in Zurich: Register Now

Dear Colleagues

The industry is on the rise. Employers are dealing with the question of how to keep existing employees and how to recruit the new ones they so urgently need.

In today's tense labour market, this is a challenging process. At Swissport Geneva, CLA negotiations are kicking off. Meanwhile, we need to examine our other contractual partnerships to define which adjustments we ought to aim for with the ongoing CLA. Undisputedly, irregular working hours, on-call shifts, and/or being exposed to the weather at work are heavy burdens for employees. We must also take into account the social environment and explore issues such as the compatibility of family and work or age-related facilitations.

These topics are being discussed currently and those concerned will receive further information.

SEV-GATA GM on 20 June in Zurich: Register Now

On 20 June 2023, 5:30 p.m., the SEV-GATA General Meeting will take place at Zurich Airport. A representative of the airport will give a speech about the runway extension. After discussing our usual agenda items, we will enjoy an aperitif together, exchange ideas and discuss the current situation.

All members have received an invitation. New members can download the invitation after submitting their declaration of membership and register by email in due time. Registration deadline: 7 June 2023 to

We look forward to the opportunity to chat with you!

Kind regards

Philipp Hadorn, President

SEV-GATA, your union in the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation
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