| Aktuell / SEV Zeitung

Resolution of the SEV-GATA GM: Enforce Collective Working Conditions at Airports - Now!

© Zürich Flughafen AG

In aviation, competition is fierce and traffic is volatile. Employees are expected to be flexible. But working conditions vary greatly and are sometimes precarious. While some companies appropriately regulate working conditions with the trade unions in collective labour agreements (CLA), others do not care about collective agreements.

This unsustainable situation was part of the agenda at the ordinary General Meeting of the aviation union SEV-GATA on 20 June 2023 at Zurich Airport. The delegates adopted the following resolution:

Enforce Collective Working Conditions at Airports – Now!

We are worried about

  1. the uncontrollable proliferation of working conditions in aviation,
  2. the lack of collective agreements (CLA) at Zurich and Geneva airports,
  3. the variety of services offered by temporary suppliers,
  4. the increasingly precarious working conditions with low wages and inhumane, sometimes interrupted working hours.

We demand that

  1. all companies providing services at Zurich and Geneva airports regulate working conditions in CLA with the trade unions.
  2. the required licences are only granted if the supplier regulates working conditions in a CLA.
  3. employers, public authorities and politics help to ensure that CLA can be declared universally binding and that industry solutions are implemented to prevent social dumping.
  4. finally, enough staff is available even during peak times.
  5. there is time scheduled for recovery and employees have to provide services only within reason.

The current employees in the industry are exhausted. The need for action is urgent. The existing workforce cannot tackle the expected workload during the busy summer.

Passengers deserve to travel without inconvenience such as delays and low quality service.

Employees deserve decent working conditions, dignity and appreciation.

The Resolution as PDF

SEV-GATA Press Release on the Resolution

Further information:

Philipp Hadorn, President SEV-GATA and Trade Union Secretary SEV,
philipp.hadorn@sev-online.ch, 079 600 96 70