Special Member Mail Swiss June 9, 2022

Swiss in Recovery – the Staff Must Not Pay:
Statement by SEV-GATA on Swiss's premature waiver of "federal guarantees"

Dear Colleagues

With the following press release, we are reaching out to the media today – in response to Swiss's renunciation of "federal guarantees":

Press Release SEV-GATA of 9 June 2022

Air Traffic

Swiss on the Upswing – the Staff Must Not Pay for It

Today, Swiss announced the premature renunciation of the federal aid the company had received. An entrepreneurial success! But the delight of ground staff remains subdued: Swiss continues to adhere to outdated austerity measures on their backs. "This is an affront to employees in the event of acute personnel shortages and exhaustion in the workforce!," says Philipp Hadorn, president of the SEV-GATA ground staff union. "The lawsuits due to the violation of the consultation procedure in the event of hasty collective layoffs are already pending before the court, and another lawsuit about the improper implementation of the Crisis CLA for ground staff is in preparation."

While trade unions and politicians campaigned during the Covid-19 crisis to support Swiss as the only company with billion-dollar guarantees, last summer Swiss management decided on hasty restructuring measures with mass layoffs, which currently result in the cancellation of dozens of flights – due to staff shortages.

It is all the more incomprehensible that Swiss wants to impose a crisis CLA on the troubled ground staff from 1 March 2022, despite the upswing and in violation of the agreement. SEV-GATA is preparing a lawsuit against this.

"With the current economic success, the premature replacement of federal aid and excellent future prospects, it would now be imperative to refrain from any deterioration in working conditions," says Philipp Hadorn. With regard to federal support, the former National Council adds: "Exploiting state aid and at the same time not accepting social responsibility is an abuse of support by taxpayers in Switzerland."

Swiss is desperately looking for staff, but the poor satisfaction of employees combined with their eroding confidence in management and the implementation of the crisis CLA is obviously making recruitment more difficult. "Only evidence of fair dealing with staff can de-escalate the situation," Hadorn clarifies.

SEV-GATA is the union that defies arbitrary decisions of employers. With your membership, you strengthen our assertiveness so that your job becomes fair and safe!

Warmest regards,

Philipp Hadorn, President

SEV-GATA, your union in the aviation industry!
Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation
/ www.sev-gata.ch / www.sev-online.ch