Member Mail 8 / 2017

SEV-GATA is shaping the future – with you!

  • Swissport: contract partner in exchange         
  • Swiss: Rich profits – also for the employees  
  • Old age reform 2020 – a project of the unions

Dear colleagues                    

While various aviation companies groan, there are also highlights:           

Swissport: Contract partner in exchange

Having taken over PUSH on July 1st, 2017 means that the new contract partnerships with the companies and the unions involved will have to be organized. The first talks have already taken place with the management of Swissport, including the Zurich and Geneva based managers. It is clear that an intensive negotiation year is about to begin in Zurich in 2018. This must be carefully prepared with our members. Further info to follow.           

Don’t forget! Last chance for EX-PUSH members: Please immediately complete the questionnaire sent to you in July and return it completely filled in, pay the membership fee and collect the Reka-voucher!                   

Only with existing member data and a large number of members we are able to represent your interests correctly and consistently successfully at Swissport, too. We are ready!       

Swiss: Rich profits – also for employees         

Swiss presented good half-year results. Thanks to your commitment at Swiss and the necessary luck with the final conditions Swiss can achieve such successes. The forecasts are also good. At this moment we were able to sign the final agreement for the 2018 CLA for Swiss ground staff. The conclusion: Necessary improvements could be implemented (comp. member mail 7). There are also the annexes and editorial adaptations of the CLA pending and need to be revised. Some topics seem to require intensive negotiations. We’ll keep fighting for good working conditions!

Old age provision 2020 – a project of trade unions

Without a reserve vote we succeeded in winning the necessary majority for the 2020 pension reform. The conclusion of SEV and SGB is clear:

AHV is strengthened – pension financing secured – pension level guaranteed and improved – unemployed protected – better conditions for part-time employees.

SGB, SEV and SEV-GATA recommend 2 x YES for the votes on September 24, 2017. Further info under

The improvements of the CLA Swiss show: The increase in membership strengthens our positions. Is your workmate already a member of SEV-GATA? Ask him or her. Thus participation in union success takes place. The new member can help shape our positions, will receive our «protection/interest representation» and you will be paid 50 Sfr for each new member. Solidarity pays off!

SEV-GATA is consistently and fearlessly committed to the legitimate claims of our members. Thanks to your membership.     

Best regards
Phillipp Hadorn, president

SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry
Philipp Hadorn, president GATA: SEV-Aviation