Member Mail 3 / 2017

AHV-Increase in Sight 
Swiss on the Road to Success
GM SEV-GATA                                 

Dear colleagues                    

Some days ago a „political thriller“ came to a provisional close in parliament – the pension reform 2020 just got the required qualified majority of 101 votes in the National Council. Since the victory of the unions against the unfair company tax reform III (USR III) a refreshingly vivid interest in questions of social reform is apparent in the population of Switzerland. Social- and contract partnerships should also take advantage of this.          

AHV-Increase in Sight     
The 2020 old-age provision project is rightly declared as a historic achievement in Swiss politics. For the first time the AHV pension is to be systematically increased, specifically by minimum 70 SFR per month. The whole pension reform is a result of rising life expectancy.  While many people are hardly able to prevent performance reduction in the obligatory part of the professional old-age provision, the “AHV”, the 1st pillar of the old-age provision, needs to be strengthened. At the expense of the pension age for women increased to 65, we managed to find a forward-looking solution, particularly by reducing the coordination deduction and raising the AHV. The public referendum will take place in September 2017.

Swiss on the Road to Success                
Also in 2016 the employees have achieved that Swiss made a 429 million SFR profit, which is far above the benchmark of the industry. Now it is correct that the necessary investments are made, that the company is developed and new employees are hired.
However, it is essential that the staff do not only participate in the success by „one-off bonuses“. The success should also be reflected in improvements on the collective labour agreement (CLA).

GM SEV-GATA 2017: Register now!
On 25 April 2017, 18.00 h the General Meeting (GM) of SEV-GATA will take place at skyguide at the Military Airport Dübendorf. Before the meeting, you may visit air traffic control skyguide during a guided tour. After that, the regular items of the agenda will be dealt with and afterwards you’ll be offered an “Apéro riche”.

All union members have received an invitation by mail. New members can download the invitation after having sent their declaration of membership under and register by e-mail still in time. Deadline: 9 April 2017 to .  

SEV-GATA continues fighting for its members, that they can enjoy the fruits of their labour – sustainably. Our success is in relation to the number of members. You can find the declaration of membership under 1422870055_Beitrittserklaerung_E.pdf

Best regards

Philipp Hadorn, President

SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation
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