Member Mail 2 / 2017

Swiss-CLA Negotiations            
Integration of PUSH Staff Association into SEV-GATA      
GM SEV-GATA                                               

Dear colleagues                 

Here we go! After the enormously successful voting against “ripping-off the middle class”, the company tax reform III on 12 February 2017, it shows: even if the employers of our CLA contract partners largely supported this problematic petition, the workers have woken up. This momentum we also feel in the trade unions, which have decisively won this referendum with the subsequent successful vote. On the political level the dispute over decent pensions is in full swing. We stay tuned and continue to advocate your interests!

Swiss CLA Negotiations                
We’ve received a lot of feedback regarding your claims for adjusting the current CLA. Thank you very much. We also try to make the impossible possible! More info to follow.

Integration of PUSH Staff Association    
The working world is complicated, pressure on working conditions is growing and the problems are getting more complex. The management board of the staff association PUSH came to the conclusion that for the longer term they wouldn’t be able to carry out their duties satisfactorily as a sideline any longer. In the summer of 2015 they contacted SEV-GATA. They decided to become part of SEV-GATA and thus become part of SEV. The SEV with more than 42’000 members, 8 regional offices, 70 employees as well as 70 social partnerships is to ensure that the interests of its members are taken care of in the long term. When they become integrated into the SEV, the second largest trade union in Switzerland they can benefit not only from professional services, but also from the membership of the Swiss Confederation of Trade unions SGB, the European Transport Worker’s Federation ETF and the International Transport Worker’s Federation ITF. Personally I’ve been representing your interests in the civil aviation section of these umbrella organizations for many years.  

While at PUSH the procedure of a ballot is in progress, our members will be able to vote on this subject on the occasion of our next general meeting. After having clarified the details, both management boards unanimously recommend their members to vote yes. SEV-GATA members may use their right of access to the documents immediately after consultation with me.

A stronger organization of ground staff appears to become a stroke of luck for all of us. In case of approval of both responsible bodies, the integration will be effective from 1 July 2017.

The 2017 SEV-GATA General Meeting will take place on 25 April 2017, 18.00h at Militärflugplatz Dübendorf. This year we are invited to stay with skyguide. If you are interested you may visit the air traffic control skyguide during a guided tour before the meeting begins. After that the regular items of the agenda will be dealt with and then you’ll be offered an “Apéro riche”. All members will get an invitation by mail within the next two weeks. Your registration is absolutely essential.

SEV-GATA, your trade union – committed to shape your working conditions together with you!

Best regards

Philipp Hadorn, president

SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, president GATA: SEV-Aviation
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