Member Mail 10 / 2017

Swissport: GATA in the CLA
Wage negotiations
Communication – in three languages

Dear colleagues

The fusion of two entities always takes time, whether it be companies or unions. It involves the combination of different cultures and traditions, the verification of habits and changes as well as the implementation of agreements made. Roughly 100 days after all PUSH-members became part of SEV-GATA on the first of July 2017 we can make the first assessment.

Swissport: GATA in the CLA

What seems to be self-evident is often the result of hard work. During the first 100 days after the integration, the members’ data have been updated and numerous enquiries came in. Accessions to CLA and cooperation agreements have been signed. Furthermore, there have been several meetings with the social partners, including directors, HR-managers and other unions involved.

The collaboration with the people formerly responsible for PUSH is running smoothly. Thank you to all colleagues who have contributed to the success of these processes, whether they have done so visibly or in the background, like those at the SEV central office in Berne. I would also like to thank all colleagues who have chosen to become part of SEV-GATA and have thus placed their trust in us. Your confidence will be worth-while!  

Wage negotiations

The CLA-specific pay talks with Swissport are yet to be held, but the negotiations about the 2018 wage adjustments for Swiss-employees (CLA Swiss Ground Personnel) are already completed. The following benchmarks have been negotiated per 1 January 2018:

  • A general increase of base salaries by CHF 70 (at a 100% quota) for colleagues with a base salary below CHF 5’000 per month.
  • 1.7% of the total wage is available for individual wage increases, with a minimum increase of CHF 50 per month (at a 100% quota) for employees who have not received an overall assessment below 3 at this year’s EAT. Colleagues who joined on or after 1 October 2017 or who will have left Swiss by 31 March 2018 are exempt from this rule.
  • Adjustment of the salary bands by a minimum of 0.5%, with a maximum of CHF 50 per month.

Personal wage adjustments will be communicated in December 2017. Thank you to the successful negotiation delegation led by SEV union secretary Regula Pauli!


SEV-GATA is the only SEV-section that communicates with their members in German, French, and English. Both the “Member Mails” and the website are trilingual.

Now is the time to say thank you! While translations from German to French have always been provided by the SEV in-house translation team led by Murielle Vianin, it was Hellen Jarosch who has produced all German to English translations for us during the last couple of years. She has now retired from this position in order to fully enjoy her retirement. We would like to thank her for her long-term reliability and commitment. We wish her all the best for her future and many more hours of well-deserved leisure time. As of now, our English translations will be provided by Karin Taglang. With this new task, the unionist and communications expert will make good use of her bachelor’s degree in English. Welcome!

Don’t forget: Winning new members …

… is especially profitable until the end of the year. For every new member, you will receive:

  • CHF 50.- in cash* from SEV-GATA
  • CHF 50.- in cash* from SEV (usual cash bonus)
  • CHF 100.- as Reka vouchers from SEV (extra bonus) valid in all Reka holiday resorts

* * As soon as the first invoice has been paid by the new member, "cash-bonuses" will be transferred to the post- or bank account in Switzerland as communicated.

Speaking of integration: We hope for the integration of the colleagues from Air Berlin subsidiaries Niki and LGW into Lufthansa to be just as successful as that of PUSH into SEV-GATA. Moreover, Lufthansa’s willingness to invest in Swiss must be continued in order to keep the jobs of our members secure.

It is thanks to your membership and to our independence that SEV-GATA, with its professional team, can go on to fight for your rights consistently and with full force.

Best regards

Philipp Hadorn, president

SEV-GATA, your union in the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, president GATA: SEV-Aviation