Member Mail 2 / 2016

Swiss bursting with success
Lufthansa wants to reorganize the group 
16 GM at Bundeshaus Bern on June 28    

Dear colleagues  

After the enthusiastic inaugural Boeing 777 flight Swiss’ new CEO Thomas Klühr could already announce a new highlight: The financial year 2015 of Swiss was extraordinarily successfull.    

Swiss bursting with success
With profits amounting to 453 million francs, Swiss is obviously the most successful subsidiary within the Lufthansa Group. With investments running to a billion in the Swiss fleet Lufthansa has given recognition to the good performance of the employees of the airline in Switzerland, too. So this should as well be rewarded in the autumn pay talks. The results could only be achieved thanks to the good job you’ve done. SEV-GATA has already acknowledged your performance in a press release and announced respective expectations.

Lufthansa wants to reorganize the group       
By implementing a new „functional matrix organization“ Lufthansa wants to standardize its processes, partly by contracting individual services. This will have consequences on the jobs of Swiss administration. Swiss still needs to have enough freedom of decision making in future. Only then we will be able to continue serving the premium market successfully with ‘Swissness’ in Switzerland. The expansion of the fleet amounting to billions has begun. At the same time about 1’500 jobs in administration are said to be cut within the entire Lufthansa Group. SEV-GATA demands that not only Swiss’ flying staff is being developed but also the divisions “Finance, HR & Corporate“. Swiss workers have proved to be successful, so that these divisions could be developed in Switzerland for the whole Lufthansa Group. Obviously the crews of “Revenue Management, Joint Ventures & Ground Ops EU“ in Switzerland already managed to prove that their efforts might be promising for the whole group of companies.

Watching carefully the processes lying ahead SEV-GATA will carry on representing the interests of its members untiringly and consistently. Although being regularly informed about the forthcoming processes by the management, we’d appreciate getting feedback from our members too.  

Please note: 2016 GM of SEV-GATA will take place at the Bundeshaus in Berne on Tuesday, 28th June, 2016. Apart from a guided tour around the Bundeshaus we have invited an interesting speaker. Further info will follow in time.

To be successful SEV-GATA is depending critically on a large number of members. For more info on our 2016 promotion campaign and the numerous advantages you have as a member visit and Joining SEV-GATA is an act of solidarity that pays directly. Thank you for your confidence. 

Kind regards

Philipp Hadorn, president

SEV-GATA,your union of the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, president GATA: SEV-Aviation
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