Member Mail 9 / 2015

Replacement Elections Foundation’s Management Council PK1     
EV-GATA transparent               

Dear colleagues  

Autumn is the time for elections. On October 18, we’ll see how national parliament will be composed of for the next four years. For our transport- and union requirements these elections are significant. The decisions taken in view of retirement pension, energy supply, foreign relations and infrastructure will determine the course for the next decades.

SEV-GATA expects that with the change at the top of SWISS more emphasis will be laid on social partnership and that procedures agreed upon will be observed. 

Replacement Elections Foundation’s Management Council PK1
Provision for one’s old age is not only important when you start retirement. The most important thing in the replacement elections, held by the Foundation’s Management Council for the pension fund of Swiss ground staff, is to elect a seat for the employees in constituency 1 for the remaining period of 2015 through 2017. It’s important that a person sympathetic to the unions is responsible for this job to benefit from our many years of experience. The election papers have been sent to those entitled to vote. Please note: the registration period will expire by October 9! 

SEV-GATA transparent       
In all negotiations SEV-GATA is working at grass roots level. The results of these talks need to be transparent and understandable and must comply with the demands of those concerned. Beyond this we have been invited by the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (BAZL) to comment on any reports and bills. These comments may be viewed by our members, too. From October 9, 2015 they will be available for download on our website:
- Swiss – pay agreement
- Swiss agreement “shift working team”
- BAZL: Our comments “Announcement Partial Revision 1+ of the Aviation Law”
- BAZL: Comments on the draft report on the aviation policy of the executive federal council

For any further questions we are always at your disposal.

It’s not yet too late for joining SEV-GATA. And it’s worth it! Are your fellow mates (male/female) not yet a member? Register immediately, become a member of SEV-GATA now and have your say. By the way, for each newly recruited member you will get 50 SFR transferred to your account plus additional rewards. All information on the numerous advantages you have as a member can be found at The declaration of membership is ready for download at

There is strength in unity!

Best regards,

Philipp Hadorn, president

SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, president GATA: SEV-Aviation
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