Member Mail 7 / 2015

Wage Round with Swiss              

Dear colleagues   

Not only Greek politicians are working hard this summer, but also the union leaders particularly in aviation. Apart from dealing with questions like working hours, shift models and license fees, we suddenly were confronted with wage talks.     

Wage round with Swiss 
After the pay rise agreed in the 2014 CLA negotiations (1 % retroactive per 1 January 2014) Swiss thwarted the wage round in autumn 2014 for the beginning of 2015. The noteworthy result of the opinion poll regarding staff satisfaction and the economic situation of Swiss resulted in unscheduled wage negotiations. We already managed to reach an agreement per 1 January 2016: Minimum CHF 50,- / month could be forced out of Swiss after difficult bargaining, except for those employees with a performance appraisal of less than 3 and/or with “Lohnbesitzstand” [standing as propertied members of society] (max. 155 staff). For all employees the pay rise will amount to 1.5 %, whereas individual heads must not go beyond 5 percent.
Swiss will account for the 1.5 % increase agreed upon with SEV-GATA being really put into effect. The new wages will be paid from January 2016. In 2017 we’ll have new wage talks. In future we will regularly ensure a sustainable wage development. For the first time Swiss agreed to do so, too.  

2015 GM SEV-GATA   
A great number of members attended to an interesting general meeting at SBB Industriewerke in Olten on June 30, 2015. Apart from a thrilling guided tour through the high-tech plant Peter Jedelhauser offered an interesting look at the state of the art in tunnel construction (NEAT), just as Franz Zumstein who showed us his cartoons from the world of aviation. Besides we had to deal with the regular items and annual reports on the varied activities of SEV-GATA. Over a delicious Apéro Riche we had the opportunity of talking about the current events and negotiations. Thanks to all those involved!     

Dear colleagues, a membership with SEV-GATA is worthwhile in many ways. We’ll keep representing your interests and fight successfully for your working conditions.

Summery regards                  

Philipp Hadorn, president

SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry
Philipp Hadorn, president GATA: SEV-Aviation
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