Member Mail 3 / 2015

New workplace representatives

Dear colleagues   

New workplace representatives
The union movement is characterized by the flow of information between its members, the individual enterprises and departments and the union management. Representatives are the key link between all parties. On the occasion of our February 18 meeting two new workplace representatives have been unanimously elected by the SEV-GATA committee:

Jeffrey Kast            
Age group 1974
Lead engineer, Line Maintenace, Zurich

Markus Mitteldorf
Age group 1966
Lead mechanic, Line Maintenance, Zurich     

Good luck and success to Jeff and Markus for their important task to handle union issues. 

Meetings dealing with current problems like shift work, license fees and the introduction of a career model will be held in the weeks to come. More information will follow.      

And don’t forget … many May Day events will take place on this year’s Labour Day (a list of  events can also be found on  Participate and give a strong signal for “social justice instead of exclusion!”  

With kind regards

Philipp Hadorn, president
SEV-GATA, your union of the airline industry
Philipp Hadorn, president GATA: SEV-Aviation  /