Member Mail 2 / 2015

Services Mail: Reka-Checks

Dear colleagues    

Reka-Checks can be used as payment in public transport, railways, hotels, restaurants, travel agents, Reka Holidays, leisure parks, museums, fitness centres, circusses, zoos and also for getting petrol. All in all there are over 9'000 redemption possibilities (more at

SEV-GATA members will get these cheques at special conditions: Reka-Checks are available at maximum CHF 600 per year with 7 % discount, saving 42 Francs. More info and orders at

We are going to inform you about the current projects and the implementation of the CLA in our next member mail. Until then I wish you all a good time and have a nice Easter!

With best regards 

Philipp Hadorn, president  
SEV-GATA, your union oft he aviation industry       
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