Member Mail 8 / 2014

Swiss CLA concluded
-Introductory Remarks

Dear colleagues

In a lengthy and  difficult process an agreement could be reached between the negotiating partners on how to continue with the CLA. 

-        Introductory Remarks

Apparently SWISS doesn’t only have trouble in dealing with ground staff but also in practicing a social partnership on equal terms. This can also to be seen in the conflicts with cabin staff and the pilots. Currently a patriarchal behaviour combined with a career-minded kind of con­tinuous-flow management is prevailing at the Lufthansa-daughter. 

At ground staff things are even worse because the management keeps interfering with the collaboration between labour unions and staff associations. Apparently individual persons take every opportunity of starting SEV-GATA-bashing even in the presence of the company representatives.

SEV-GATA sticks to its principles and will consistently represent the interests of its members in the future – without ever submitting to any attempts of exerting pressure. At SEV-GATA the positions are determined by its members. If they are prepared to push through their le­gitimate claims, they are guided by the union’s professional team. SEV-GATA has a full range of union instruments available and is supported by a strong SEV-organization. 

SWISS management’s current behaviour is irritating for several reasons:

1. Actually it seems that SWISS management just keeps to the guidelines made by the owner Lufthansa, implementing the provisions for expenses and revenues, invest­ment- and cost-saving projects. 

2. SWISS even seems to be keen on becoming the model pupil of its owner. On the one hand the company is said to exceed its targets voluntarily and is actively in­volved in creating a savings programme on group-level. This doesn’t seem to have a positive effect, though. On the other hand SWISS makes a profit that looks likely to be a record result within the Lufthansa group and the whole industry.

3.    Permanent downsizing of existing jobs by outsourcing, automation or similar meas­ures are executed almost as a hidden resort.

4.    At the same time we must say that the number of employees is growing who are not subject to the CLA. Evidently some employees are being persuaded to sign cadre contracts with the prospect of large distributions. In this case they would lose all col­lective protection. Very often cadre members are disillusioned soon afterwards and realize that they have lost numerous advantages of their collective rights. SEV-GATA is investigating measures to protect against  this kind of creeping erosion of the scope of the CLA.

5.    During the negotiations we noticed that SWISS’ delegation, directed by the head of hu­man resources, was apparently unsufficiently mandated. This made the process of the talks even more complicated.

-        Contents 
Despite the difficulties we succeeded in renewing the CLA cancelled by SWISS effective end of June 2014 without interruption and adjusted as follows:

-   Weekly working hours will be increased from 41 to 42 hours.
-   Holidays: Holiday claim for employees up to the age of 49 will be increased by one day to 25 days and for employees from the age of 50 and over by one day to 30 days per calendar year.
-   Holidays in shift work: A parity team will be formed to generate new holiday rules for shift work, adapted to the workers’ needs and improving productivity at the same time.
-   The individual basic salary (excluding any allowances) will be increased by 1% and enter into retroactive effect on January 1, 2014.
-   From January 1, 2015 salary scales will be newly defined in the CLA and adapted to the new career model of SWISS. The minimum-/maximum salaries will be increased. The salary status will be maintained at any rate.
-   A variable Profit Participation Plan, depending on four company goals will replace the present profit participation plan (PPP) and enter into retroactive effect on January 1, 2014. It will be quantified by 1,5% of the average salary sum.
-   With retroactive effect from January 1, 2014, SWISS departments will have 0,75% of the annual salary sum available for individual performance-related allowances. They are payable as a one-off payment each year in autumn. 
-   Pikett compensations for standby-duties from Monday to Friday will be increased to CHF 50 and to CHF 100 per day on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
-   From now on the regular retirement age will begin on reaching the age of 64 including the end of the months, in which the 64th year will be completed. The current scale of contributions and the contribution split in the professional provisions remain un­changed. From now on the temporary pension will be paid only from the age of 64 (for men only). Employees having reached the age of 63 by the end of 2015, will have the opportunity of making use of the terms applicable for retirement pension according to the previous CLA (retirement 63 with a temporary pension).
-   From now on there will be protection against unlawful dismissal for employees between the age of 55 and 58, the earliest possible age for an early retirement, excluding dis­missals for disciplinary reasons.

In addition the applicability of the social plan for early retirements will be extended.

-       Ratification
The agreement is subject to approval of the commissions in charge of SWISS and the asso­ciations. The CLA will be concluded with a minimum validity of 3 years until June 30, 2017 and a subsequent 6 months period of notice.

SEV-GATA will inform you about the ratification procedure in the near future and refer to the discussions we’ll have during the forthcoming general meeting, too. We need a strong mem­bership for co-determination at SEV-GATA. All SWISS employees, who have been a mem­ber of SEV-GATA on June 1, 2014, will be invited to the CLA-voting.  

Not yet a member? Join SEV-GATA immediately and co-determine. At SEV-GATA the mem­bers have a say in the decision about their working conditions! All further details under, the application form is ready for download under

Kind regards 
SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry
Philipp Hadorn, president GATA: SEV-Aviation

A dedicated fight for fair working conditions pays off!