Member Mail 15 / 2014

SWISS Elections 2014:
- Members of (Peko) Staff Commission
- „Follow up“ CLA: Shift replacement 

Dear colleagues       

While many SWISS employees go to the limit of their strength during summer business they still ought to get involved in shaping their working life. Two elections are upcoming: 

Members of  (Peko) Staff Commission
In Staff-News you could already read about the upcoming elections for a completely new Peko organization. Working for Peko leaves a lot of room for organizing. In the regulations you can find what specific duties there are involved. It’s quite possible that presidential elections could take place in autumn, too.  

SEV-GATA likes proposing those colleagues (male/female), who are immediately on the ball, for representing their workmates in close cooperation with union members. In Staff-News dated 28 July, 2014 you’ll find the constituencies as well as the “Declaration Form“. Our members are requested to return these forms by Friday, August 16, 2014. For any further information please don’t hesitate to contact SEV-GATA (cp. and particularly union secretary Regula Bieri. (Peko) staff commission’s quality depends on the commitment of its members – you should make the most of this opportunity!            

“Follow up” SWISS CLA: Shift 
As you have been informed in our 14 member mail one delegate of each shift should be appointed by the SEV-GATA members concerned before August 18, 2014 (cp. Final Agreement to the New CLA, point 4:  a team should be assigned to lay down rules for the days-off for shift workers). Delegates are responsible to ensure the dialogue between everyone affected and the negotiating team. The time required for these meetings will be made available to the persons selected. A corresponding form is ready for download on our website. On the part of SEV-GATA the negotiations will be held by union secretary Regula Bieri. She is also available for any further questions ( / Tel. 079 464 37 32). 

By the way, on you’ll find interesting information on our 2014 member acquisition campaign. – Getting involved in the union is worth while in every respect. Thank you for your confidence and your valuable sense of commitment!

Kind and summerly regards

Philipp Hadorn, president

SEV-GATA, your union oft he aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, president GATA: SEV-Aviation
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