Member Mail 12 / 2014


SWISS Ground Personnel CLA Ballot: Vote now! 

Dear colleagues                    

You can cast your vote at once on the result of the CLA for SWISS Ground Personnel until June 15, 2014, 24.00 h latest. All SWISS employees subject to the CLA Ground Personnel being a member of SEV-GATA are entitled to vote.

You can cast your vote electronically by mail to  

The question of the ballot is:     

Should the present result “CLA SWISS Ground Personnel 2014“ be accepted: 
             No      (“No” means you are prepared to participate in any required protest-                                and industrial action until we have reached our collectively defined goals)

Your mail should include:

2014 CLA Ballot (in the reference line)
Name and first name
YES or NO 

(The electoral office will check the right to vote on the votes received and in case of doubt determine about their validity or invalidity, double casting of votes leads to invalidity).  

In answer to several queries please note:  Point 4 of  the final agreement provides the appointment of a parity team with SEV-GATA participating where the shift system is concerned. Our participation will only be guaranteed if the collective labour agreement is accepted. In this process SEV-GATA will involve democratically elected delegates of the shifts concerned. Taking note of SWISS’s plans doesn’t mean that SEV-GATA is making any concessions at all. It only means that SEV-GATA agrees with SWISS to discuss their plans in a team and how to implement them. 

SEV-GATA committee recommends to accept the CLA results. This is also in accordance with the results of our consultations at the GM 2014. 

Best regards

Philipp Hadorn, president

We are fighting for you!
SEV-GATA, the air transport union!

Fighting for fair working conditions pays!

Kind regards
SEV-GATA, your union oft he aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, president GATA: SEV-Aviation
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