Member Mail 11 / 2014

Invitation to the Ballot of SWISS CLA Ground Personnel 

Dear colleagues

As announced you can vote on the result of the CLA for SWISS Ground Personnel from today (immediately). All necessary information (CLA-Agreement with all adjustments) is available for download on our website.  In our last member mail and in the SEV-journal you’ve been informed of the final agreement and the consequences of  accepting or rejecting the result.    

You can vote during the period of June 6, 2014 to June 15, 2014, 24.00 o’clock.   

All SWISS employees subject to the CLA-for Ground Personnel, who are a member of SEV-GATA, are entitled to vote.   

You can cast your vote electronically per mail to .   

The question of the ballot is:         

Should the present result  “CLA for SWISS Ground-Personnel 2014“ be accepted:
             No      (“No” means you are prepared to participate in any required protest- 
                         and industrial action until we have reached our collectively defined goals)

Your mail should include:  

2014 CLA Ballot (in the reference)  
Name and first name                    
YES or NO     

(The electoral office will check your entitlement to vote on the votes received and determine about the validity or invalidity in case of doubt, double casting of votes leads to invalidity).    

After being ratified by the SEV-committee on  June 20, 2014 publication of the ballot result to our members, SWISS and the public is planned for June 25, 2014.    

SEV-GATA committee recommends to accept the CLA results, also in accordance with the results of our discussions at the GM 2014 of SEV-GATA.       

Kind regards

SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, president GATA: SEV-Aviation
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