Member Mail 11 / 2013

Swiss cancels CLA ground staff: Join SEV now and fight for a better CLA

Dear colleagues 

After further monstrous attacks on working conditions, really not setting a positive example, Swiss is now carrying out its threat: The CLA for ground staff was cancelled for the earliest possible date, June 30, 2014. 

In our 10/2013 Member Mail (check-out our website the drastic cutback measures have been listed in detail. By terminating the CLA Swiss ignores the concessions made to the unions regardless of the still privileged economic situation of the former Swiss airline financed by tax revenues. 

The termination of a CLA is a clear challenge to the workforce. SEV-GATA will clearly  answer to it in the new round of negotiations next year. Under the current circumstances, however, we want to involve our members in the dialogue. There are two ways of proceeding:  

SEV-GATA Membership  

Become a member now!
Following advantages apply to all colleagues declaring to join us by December 30, 2013:
1. C
o-determination: New members may have a say in our CLA demands, too.
2. Memory-Card: our cool memory card shows there is still enough space at SEV-GATA. The PC-stick in card format offers 4 GB of memory space and is designed in our new trendy SEV-GATA logo (dispatch will be made after receipt of the first membership fee, from January 2013).
Reka-cheques in the amount of CHF 100,-: Reka-cheques, means of payment for mobility, will be granted to new SEV members at a discount. As an introductory offer new members will get CHF 100 as a free gift. (For details check-out– dispatch April 2014).    
Active or passive: Your membership at SEV-GATA enables you to take an active part in fighting for better working conditions. Even a “passive” membership gives SEV-GATA more power against the employer and contriutes to better working conditions – for you, too! 
5. Wide range of advantages: On our websites and www.sev-on­ you’ll find a wide variety of advantages for our members, among others offers for professional development and insurances.

Just distribute this mail to all colleagues in your department, print them out and distribute them. A new membership is particularly worthwhile if you join us by December 30, 2013! In addition you’ll get the usual CHF 50,- premium for each newly-recruited member. 

Report CLA contraventions now 
After our last member mail we got several hints on CLA contraventions. Please give us a detailed report on all cases of infringement exactly documented. Swiss should know that SEV-GATA, your union, is fighting consistently for your rights. 

Inspite of all outrage we want to celebrate Advent and look forward to the changes to come!
Seasons greetings and best wishes  
SEV-GATA, your union of the aviation industry
Philipp Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation
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