Member Mail 7 / 2017 – Special CLA Swiss

Swiss CLA – Clear Improvements effective January 1, 2018          

Dear colleagues                     

During the ongoing CLA talks we entered into negotiations by request of Swiss on the development of the CLA at the beginning of the year.

After five challenging talk rounds following results effective January 1, 2018 are now available:

In a joint communication of all negotiating partners (Swiss & three employee organizations) the corresponding info will follow on July 7, 2017.

The managing board of SEV-GATA has been thoroughly dealing with the results at the end of June 2017.


  • Social plan: profound improvements (effective next incidents)
  • Pension scheme: Employer’s contribution (AG) will rise to 60 %, employees‘ contribution (AN) will drop to 40 % (before 50:50)
  • Variable bonuses (EBM): The existing system will be exchanged for the model LH success. If the target is hit 100% the amount of CHF 1‘000 will be paid, if the target is reached 200% the max. amount will be increased to CHF 3’200.
  • Maternity leave: Increased by 2 weeks to 16 weeks during the first two years of employment (80% pay compensation) resp. 18 weeks from the second year of employment (100 % pay compensation)
  • Paternity leave: Increased by 5 days (to 10 days)
  • Licence bonuses: will be included in the CLA for the first time (the amount remains unchanged, but not included in the CLA before)
  • Job Level Concept: A working team will be given responsibility to work out a practicable wage system for the attention of the CLA delegation.
  • Benchmarks:
    • Competence categories and classification will be worked out together (contract partners, no one-sided act of the company)
    • A development within the wage band will be dealt with
    • Significant extra costs due to reshufflings are to be prevented

Per July 1, 2017 Swiss is supposed to implement the 2017 wage table with retroactive extra payment. SEV-GATA realized that, contrary to the agreement and the contractual regulations the 2017 wage scale had not been correctly implemented and several employees not been put into the wage classes of the previous CLA. Swiss now assured us to do this immediately by July 1, 2017 and pay the resulting extra costs (adjustments of the minimum wages kept back) retroactively.

  • Rules shift organization: A team will be put in charge of working out a proposal for the attention of the CLA negotiating delegation ensuring that TML employees will reach 95 % of the contractual weekly working hours.

The SEV-GATA committee has acknowledged the results and appreciates that the urgently required but entirely remarkable improvements of the working conditions could be achieved. Provided that the contract still to be edited will be approved by the SEV-committee it will be signed in autumn.

The final settlement as well as a list of our claims for improvement with a synapse of the changes and the new social plan will be communicated on our website as soon as they are available.

Persistence and perseverance of the SEV-GATA negotiating team pay off. With more union members our power and success in negotiations will become stronger. A membership in the union is worth it – collectively and individually. Speak to your workmates now, send us your application for membership, offering a wide variety of advantages to the new member, collect the bonus yourself and strengthen the union movement!

With these good news I wish you pleasant summer days with a few moments to chill out, ….. for the autumn wage talks will soon be coming!

Best regards

Philipp Hadorn, president

SEV-GATA,your union of the aviation industry!
Philipp Hadorn, Präsident GATA: SEV-Aviation