Member Mail 9 / 2020

Coronavirus: Exceptional Situation VI – Back to the New Normal!

Dear Colleagues

This should be the last member mail about the exceptional situation. However, normality will not be the same as before. The consequences are still unforeseeable. Even though the closed borders are now being reopened quickly, it is unclear how aviation will recover and develop.

SEV-GATA will continue to work hard to ensure job security.

Federal Support

With united strength, the conditions for granting short-time work have been relaxed in the past months and emergency aid packages have been put together. The reason why aviation is affected by additional measures is that the industry is considered "systematically relevant."


Firstly, long-term liquidity does not yet appear to be ensured. SEV-GATA has intervened with the federal government and contacted the authorities of all three airport cantons, requesting that job security be ensured now and in the future – regardless of the operator – and that working conditions be regulated by CLA. We asked that the trade unions be involved in the creation of potential rescue companies. Discussions and activities are underway.

Secondly, negotiations about a social compensation plan with Swissport Geneva begin today. They are led by Pablo Guarino, our local union secretary, who is in close contact with those affected. From 9 June, we will hold consultation hours at our regional office (Rue Terreaux-du-Temple 6, 1201 Geneva) every Tuesday from 2 to 4 PM. All "members and those who want to become one" are welcome. You can, of course, also schedule appointments outside of these times.

Thirdly: Negotiations with Swissport Zurich for adjustments to the social compensation plan are in progress, and the company also wanted discussions about temporary adjustments to the CLA (increased flexibility during the "ramp-up phase"). Union secretary Regula Pauli leads these negotiations for SEV-GATA in close exchange with representatives of those affected.


First of all, the first portion of Swiss federal aid is expected to start flowing after the Lufthansa GM at the end of June 2020.

Secondly, the adjustments to the flight plan indicate a rapid ramp-up. By the end of July, 70% of Swiss aircraft should be back in operation. Whether the passengers will begin to fill the planes sufficiently is yet unknown. We have reason to hope that the effects of the new Swiss practice concerning short-time work compensation will, accordingly, be less pronounced. In any case, current developments are conducive to securing jobs.

Thirdly, the line maintenance shift change from temporary 4/4 to ordinary 6/4 mode is planned for 22 June 2020. Health protection measures must still be strictly implemented.

A return to the previous "normal" is still a long way off, but a new kind of normality is about to develop. Solidarity can and must be an important part of it. For many SEV-GATA members, it is and has been for many years already!

Your colleague

Philipp Hadorn, President

SEV-GATA, your union in the aviation idustryPhilipp Hadorn, President GATA: SEV-Aviation
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